"It is not by accident that the happiest people are those who make a conscious effort to live useful lives. Their happiness, of course, is not a shallow exhilaration where life is one continuous intoxicating party. Rather, their happiness is a deep sense of inner peace that comes when they believe their lives have meaning and that they are making a difference for good in the world."
 ~Ernest A. Fitzgeral

The secret to having a happy life is to love you unconditionally.  Think about it, how can you give your best to others if you are always putting yourself on the back burner?  How can you set goals and dream if you do not think highly of yourself or forget to set time aside to nourish your body, mind and spirit?  You can't it's impossible.  Just as a chef at a fine restaurant can't present his speciality for the day if he doesn't have the right ingredients.  

Happiness is not a destination, something to bought or found in the approval of someone else.  Happiness comes by loving you.  When you embrace all that you are you will naturally be embracing happiness--Happiness is within you!  You can create and manifest your dreams if you are constantly following your bliss and be thankful for your blessing you receive each day.

Without a happy disposition you will not be able to attract that which you desire.  Life is meant to be filled with joy!  Not resentment, contention and judgement.  When those around you are less than respectful or judgmental towards you realize that what they are trying to desperately to point out in an negative way towards you is in all actuality is how they feel about themselves deep inside.  Rather than lash out at them, have pity on them and let it go... they are obviously dealing with other energies that are not of their higher-self ~ which is pure positive energy.

You are magnificent!  Live life to the fullest by believing in all that you are!  Let go of the past so you can create a beautiful future.  Forgive and forget when needed and look for the goodness in all that you do and see.  Life truly is a journey... Embrace your magical journey each step of the way...

With love,

Carol Whitaker

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