Do you know what you want in your life?  What are your dreams?  Do you dream of having an abundant future filled with joy, love, good health and abundance?  Do you have an action plan to achieve your goals and dreams?

Too often people say how much they wish their life was different but yet they keep doing what they've always done and expect life to change.  If you want to improve your quality of life you must improve your way of thinking.  Every aspect of your life is a mirror of your thoughts.  I  can look at a person in any situation and know what his/her predominate thoughts have been by the quality of life he/she lives. 

You too can look at your life, ponder & connect with how and what you think of most with how you live.  Are you positive or negative most of the time?  Do you speak kindly of yourself and look for the good in others?


It's truly remarkable how powerful our minds are.  All thoughts and feelings have an energy frequency vibration, the more positive the thought the higher the frequency, such as love, which is the highest vibration of all ~ next to the love and light of Christ.  And the negative thoughts have much the lower vibrational frequency, such a doubt, fear and despair.

Did you know that you are the creator of your life experiences by your dominate thoughts, feelings and emotions?  If you're not pleased with what you have created so far you  can change your future by changing your thoughts.  Let go of limiting thoughts and beliefs and creating new beliefs which support your desires for a healthier, happier more abundant lifestyle.
Living a life with intention and purpose is highly rewarding in unmeasurable way.   However, going throughout life without a clear vision of what you want to be, do and have is like endlessly treading water in the middle of a large lake and not even attempting to swim to shore, or trying to drive from one end of the country to the other without a map while driving in dense fog.
To be able to be laser focused on your visions it is essential to be happy and to think about your goals with emotion on that which you desire.  You must believe and have faith that all things are indeed possible with the power of your mind.  To truly succeed writing down specific goals in the areas of your life which you want to improve will greatly enhance the actualization of attaining your goals. 

If you want to become the very best you can be then take action to achieve your goals.  Write down your goals that you deeply desire and wish for.  Set 10 goals that you would like to come to fruition within the next twelve months.  Write them in the present tense followed by an action verb and then conclude with a date of which you would like to achieve the goal. For example you could say for weight loss, "I weigh ___ ", "I wear a size ___ now” or "I am very fit, thin and strong." "My income has increased by $_____ this year

Only 3% of the world’s population truly succeeds and acquire their goals and dreams by taking the time to focus on that which is wanted seriously by setting goals.  Do you want to be in the top percentage?  You can become all that you dream of becoming if you believe in yourself and aim each day to follow your action plan to achieving your goals.   Be sure you hand write your goals so that the subconscious mind can go right to work in attracting and aligning that which is needed to manifest your dreams. 
Be thankful to the glorious heaven above for the wondrous blessing and miracles that you receive each day, you are co-creating your life with God, be thankful and have appreciation as you strive for that which you desire.  The more you are thankful the more you will have to be thankful for ~ truly!  Read your goals aloud with enthusiasm each morning and again at night.  By doing so, you will send out high energy frequencies into the universe which will attract back to you that which is wanted. 
However, just because you set goals doesn't mean you will attain them. You must have a positive mental attitude to be able to attract all the good life has to offer back to you.  If you have any negativity or resentment towards yourself or others you will block that which you wish for from manifesting into your experience.  It's just like driving down the highway with  barricades between your lane of traffic and then oncoming traffic, it doesn't matter how much you want to turn and go the other way, with the barricades in place you are stuck in the direction that you area going, so it is with your mind when it is filled with negativity and doubt.  But, if you release negative emotions and forgive freely and fill your heart with love, joy and appreciation the barricades will be removed and you will be able to to do a U-turn easily and as you embrace the path of least resistance.   

Your most dominate vibration is what you will attract and manifest into your reality~always~like always attracts like unto it, it's the Law of Attraction.  So if you fester on negative feelings towards others then your most powerful and dominate vibration will attract more to be upset about.  Your thoughts are extremely powerful, thoughts with strong emotions attached is like rocket-launch of desire--what are your most dominate thoughts? 

The universal laws works for everyone and it works every time all day every day.  Set your goals clearly and allow yourself to release negativity from your mind.  Forgive and forget, learn your from your mistakes of the past and let go of judgement towards others.  Fill your heart with the fertile soil and sunshine to be able to harvest the seeds with thoughts of love and abundance that you can harvest abundantly in the future.  You cannot expect your seeds to take root and produce abundantly if the soil in your mind is desolate and dry from having habitual negative thoughts and feelings, it's impossible. Your positive seeds will fall unto barren ground of thought and will blow away in the wind just as real seeds do on dry desolate soil.


I constantly have have miracles take place in my life by living in harmony with my high-self and by using the power of my mind.  I  have achieved many goals as I attained my dreams because of my faith in knowing and believing that “What the man's mind can conceive the mind can achieve.” -Napoleon Hill. I live my life happily and rejoice in the power of faith 

I continue to focus on my new goals and look for and appreciate the tender mercies from above in my life as I walk in love and thankfulness each new day.   When I walk in faith, knowing that I never walk alone and that all is well always, I know without a shadow of a doubt that ALL things are indeed possible and I relish in the happiness of manifesting my dreams.

You too can have that which your heart desires if you follow these simple yet powerful principals as you allow yourslef to take hold of the key that unlocks the door to achieving great success.  Believe in all that your are.  Dream Big Dreams!  Dreams really do come true!

Embrace Your Journey to Success

Carol Whitaker


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