Workplace Program Trigger Diet Failed

Often co-workers in the office offers sweet foods like cakes and chocolates that will mess up your diet. Surely you will not be able to reject the offer every day and over time will be tempted to taste it.

Here are five things to consider that the foods in the workplace does not make your diet fails, among others:

1. Choose healthy snacks in the office

You do not need to reject all the snacks offered by your teammates. Choose healthy snacks like fruits.

If your workplace has a refrigerator, it's better to fill it with healthy snacks such as non-fat yogurt, boiled eggs, oranges, or other fresh fruit.

2. Breakfast

Breakfast can help you avoid snacking at work. The best way to start the day with breakfast foods that are rich in fiber and protein and low in fat such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal, or toast with peanut butter.

3. Provide a water bottle at your desk
Drinking enough water not only helps keep your body from dehydration during the day but also to prevent starvation. Many people are dehydrated and hungry will eat more than usual portion.

You need to have a drink bottle near the desk. Sometimes try to fill your water bottle with fresh lemon juice rich in vitamin C.

4. Choose the right foods during lunch

It's important to eat foods that will make you feel full at lunchtime.

Avoid foods that are high in sugar and fat, and instead choose foods such as beans or potatoes that will meet the nutritional needs and helps prevent you from snacking on unhealthy foods.

5. Bring lunch from home
When there is no time to eat lunch out, the cookies in the office to be a poor alternative to the stomach. Therefore, you can bring a healthy lunch from home and delicious diet that will allow you.

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