Cerebral Palsy - Management

Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive neurological disorder that affects the motor system of the child. The motor system controls the movement, muscle tone, motor skills and the fluidity of the movement of the entire body. As the name implies the non-progressive disorder doesn’t make any further injury to the brain and it is one time insult to the brain. But the one time injury makes developmental impairments with the child.


Rehabilitation team, which consists of, Physician, Surgeon, Physical therapist, Occupational therapist, Speech pathologist, Nursing care, educators and social workers should take responsibility to take care of CP children. Physician – developmental Pediatrician should evaluate and prescribe things on the physical , functional and behavioral ailments that are necessary for the development of the child.
Physical therapy: Physical therapy plays a vital role in the management of cerebral palsy. Therapy helps to normalize the muscle tone and there by brings the movement control, coordination, balance and skill. It mainly works to improve the gross motor skills such as sitting, standing, walking, balancing etc. Special techniques such as neurodevelopmental therapy, sensory integration etc., will be used to break the movement dysfunction. Therapist also helps to fine out the proper assisting aid for mobility.
Occupational therapy: This deals with the sensory- perceptual system, fine motor control and ADL (Activities of daily Life). Fine hand activities such as holding a pen, threading a needle, playing instruments etc., through which this also influences the cognition of the child. This therapy helps in handling objects, writing, vocational training to the children. An occupational therapist helps to structure the supporting and assistive aids in accordance with the impairments of the children.
Surgery: When the deformity and the contractures become so bad and movement is much difficult, the child will go for a surgery to lengthen the muscle and to correct the bony misalignments. This in turn followed by the therapies to gain the range and the function.
Speech pathologist: Due to the developmental delay, the speech and articulation of the child will be little difficult and there will be drooling of saliva from the mouth. The speech pathologist helps the child in the training of swallowing, articulation and speech training.
Others such as community nurses, special educators, psychologist all help in the physical and the mental betterment of the child. But the early recognition and the treatment will help the child in many ways and keep them motivated and functionally independent.

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