DIY : How To Easily Revamp Your House Tiles.

It's getting very to close summer so you know what that means, it's time for some REVAMPING! Seriously summer is all about colors,relaxing and freshness in other words getting rid of OLD THINGS. Lets get started I went to home depot with my sisters and mother and we decided we needed new tiles ours is so out of date. I decided to choose this elegant wooden pattern called Chaucer Newport Select Solid Vinyl Tile. This is how it look on the home depot website.

Picture belongs to The Home Depot 
                      This is how the tile looks,which I believe looks wonderful and elegant.

This is a very fun yet simple DIY project (even much more entertaining while blasting 90's music) all you need is three simple materials.

                                                                  1. Tiles

                                                                  2. Spatula

                                                                  3. Garbage Bag

First lets start off with our tiles, this set brings 45 vinyl tiles. Depending how big your space is you get as much as you need. Of course before buying you should measure or count your tiles/vinyl tiles if you already have some.

Here you can see how it looks fresh out the box. The vinyl tiles have a 5 year warranty which I believe is a long time but as I've previously tested out vinyl tiles they last about to 7 years and more. Though the box states it's great for kitchen,bathrooms and laundry rooms I am using it for the living room.

First start off with a clean work area, if you have a little buddy to help you like mine you are in great hands.

If your floor has been previously tiled like mine you will need a spatula to scrape it off.

In my case I literally have a spatula, I couldn't find my construction spatula so I decided to grab the cooking one (still worked wonders).

This might seem difficult but it's actually very easy. Just slide the spatula right under the previous vinyl tile and it just peels off.

See how it easily slides off? You just remove it and clean the floor before applying the vinyl tile.

Isn't it gorgeous? Looks fantastic.

You carefully peel the paper off the tile and make sure your working area is clean before placing it in.

Carefully align the tile and make sure there are no air bubbles,start from a corner and work your way out.

When you are done placing the vinyl tile place your hand over to make sure it is nice and flat with no air bubbles. At the end all your hard work will blossom with a beautiful outcome.

 This is the picture so far of the progress in the living room. As I am typing this I finished putting the 45 tiles on the floor of the living room. I still need about 100 more tiles to go but since I adore DIY projects I will gladly do this with no issues.

These vinyl tiles were bought at The Home Depot for $17.99 but if you only wish to buy like a couple to try it out in your house hold you can for $0.38 each. It brings 45 beautiful vinyl tiles. I hope your DIY project turns out beautifully. Have a wonderful weekday and many blessings.


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