The Secret To A Successful Life Isn't Such A Secret.

Most of you are probably trying to solve the title like a puzzle or trying to eagerly know what is the secret to success or just yelling saying "say it already woman". Here is your answer to the secret of happiness, love, success and all your dreams you dream about. The answer is love,happiness and desire. You must be thinking it's that easy? Yes it is.

                             It all derives from The Secret

I first found out about The Secret when I was 14 but didn't have any interest in it so fast forward to 2012 I see my sister Jessica watching the movie The Secret (it's a book and a movie) and I watched it too. My life turned around 360 degrees. This is so much information that I don't even know where to start so here we go!

                The Basic Steps To A Prosperous Life.

I'm going to break down the main details that the book discusses for everyone but I really do hope that you all read the book or see the movie. When you read or see the movie you will absorb all the wonderful information that they discuss.

1. Positivity

Thoughts become actions, let's say you wake up in the morning and you stub your toe on your coffee table and you scream in pain and state ugh! this is the worst day!  Your day WILL get worst,bad things WILL happen and everything WILL go wrong. Why is that you ask? You are attracting negativity by stating that this the worst day.

Basically your life isn't going to get better if you keep on putting yourself down,stating bad things are going to happen or saying your day isn't going great. In order to attract  great things into your life you need to always have a positive mind.

                                                               For example

You wake up in the morning and you stub your toe on your coffee table. Instead of screaming or getting mad here is how you change the situation. Be calm even though your toe is hurting just take a deep breath and say my day WILL get better and I will have an amazing day. Go on in a happy manner and good mood to eat breakfast and start your day.

In this situation you are attracting good things into your life by not sending out negative thoughts.

2. Gratitude 

In order to receive all the wonderful things you want to receive into your life you must be grateful. By being grateful you are letting the "Universe" know that you are thankful for everything you have in your life.

I have a notebook dedicated to gratitude. Everyday before I go to sleep I write what I am thankful for. I've always been thankful of the things I have in my life but never really showed full appreciation like I do now.

                                                                 For example  

I use to complain about what was wrong with the things I have ALL the time like my phone that is really slow,tends to lag and gets stuck all the time. When I complained the phone gave me more of a hassle it would turn off and sometimes it wouldn't receive calls or even ring.

Now what I do is say "I'm so thankful for having a phone when there are people in this world who don't have a phone in their home and wish they could have a mobile phone. I'm so thankful I could communicate with my family overseas thanks to technology."

My phone now rings, doesn't get stuck as much or turn off. If it does lag I just patiently wait and don't get upset or complain.

             Now you must be thinking but how do we START ?

All you have to do is ASK.  Then you VISUALIZE.  Then you RECEIVE.

ASKING : When I first saw The Secret movie I decided to test this out ASAP so I asked for a laptop. My laptop which I had for over 4 years kept giving me problems and to top it of I was always complaining about it and one day my mom mistakenly dropped it to the floor when I had it on my sofa. The hard drive was damaged and kept on making a rattling noise. That's why I was in need of a laptop. I simply just stated in my mind and out loud I want a laptop.

VISUALIZE : After asking for my laptop I immediately started visualizing myself with my brand new laptop. I even wrote down ten times a day "I will have a new laptop" I also wrote by the end of the month. Everyday I would look up picture of laptops in my moms computer on Google. If I saw a desk with a laptop on it I would save it and put it on my Pinterest board. Days went by I didn't have one ounce of doubt in my mind that I would get my laptop.

RECEIVING : One day I get a call from my sister or I called her I don't exactly remember that part and she states your laptop is here, I was blown away! one day my mom had asked my brother in law who is a computer technician if he had a laptop available for me, since i'm a shy person I didn't ask. Since he's a very busy person I said oh he forgot and I didn't ask or insist. Months passed and I myself had forgotten about it. Then I see The Secret and I started to do the 2 steps above and I got my laptop.

       Some might think well that's a coincidence. That's no secret. 

Here are other wonderful and amazing things that have happened to me.

1. My dog Wintuk was exposed to fleas and one day I was petting him and saw one on him. Since I got startled I scared my dog and he didn't let me remove it. I was so upset because I take care of my dog like a baby, hes very clean and well taken care of. I asked and stated Wintuk will be healthy and wont have fleas. One week later i'm searching Wintuk all over his body and he didn't have one little thing on him.

2. When I say I will have a fantastic day every morning great things happen to me. When I go out I always get compliments and people are really nice to me. For example the other day my sister Jessica and I decided to go shopping for some essentials. It was a beautiful hot and sunny day and we were walking to the store, we always love to spray ourselves with loads of perfume before we leave the house. As we were walking we started sweating an my sister goes inside the store first and a man walks past me and he stops and says you smell so good. Seriously my eyes went like this O-O . I could not believe my ears, after walking under the hot Miami sun and feeling sweaty I get a compliment that I smell good? lol I was blown away.

3.  I've always suffered from a tooth ache even after going to the dentist. It has always been the same tooth since I was in middle school, I've gotten every type of fillings and even a crown. I was tired of this and decided to say I will have perfect oral health. I decided to stop taking pain killers for the pain and when I got tooth aches I would picture myself not having a tooth ache and being happy and healthy. Within 5 minutes my tooth ache went away. I couldn't believe it,because if there is one pain I can't tolerate is a tooth ache. From that day on I haven't experience any more tooth aches or oral issues.

4. I took care of my sisters dog and wasn't really expecting anything in return since I love taking care of her and my dog. Well my sister arrived from her vacation and picked up her lovely dog Godiva and then went home. A couple day earlier I had affirmed that I was a money magnet and money would come to me easily. Fast forward and my sister comes to my house and she payed me for taking care of her dog not only that BUT guess what? The money had my initials stamped on it YA I couldn't believe my eyes. My sister didn't even notice the money had anything written on it. This seriously blew me away.

Awesome right? Well this too could happen to you and EVEN MORE. I am working on something that I've always wanted all my life and is a dream of mine. I can't wait to share it with all of you when I receive it.

                                          Always remember these three things

Imagine it
Feel it
Receive it

Use your mind to focus and imagine what you desire. Imagine yourself being with your desire. Imagine yourself doing things with your desire. Imagine yourself having the desire.

At the same time you imagine you must feel love for what you're imagining. You must imagine and feel being your desire. You must imagine and feel your desire.

The force of love will work through the visible and invisible forces of nature to bring what you desire to you. It will use circumstances, events  and people to give what you love to you.
Whatever you desire you must want with all your heart. Desire is love.

It all revolves around the Law Of Attraction. Think of the law of attraction as a mirror or a boomerang it will copy what you see.

If you wish to ask me any questions please feel free too. I hope you understood this post but I really recommend to watch or read the book. I myself watched the movie online and now at the moment I am reading the second book called The Power. This author called Rhonda Byrne is the creator of The Secret and she has two more books in the series called The Power & The Magic. My life has changed to great happy things and I hope yours too. I am very thankful to God and feel beyond blessed.

You are meant to have an amazing life!


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