Five President's Quotes To Inspire You

Do you want to get inspired this President's Day on February 18, 2013?

Look no further than our past and current U.S. Presidents. These presidents worked hard and got their generations going through actions, and not just words. Share these quotes with your family, at work, at school... wherever you need inspiration!

Quote from President John Quincy Adams on Leadership! Be the Inspiring Leader.

Thomas Jefferson - Substance over Style. Principles matter 

Quote from President Thomas Jefferson. Be Flexible on the Surface, But Steadfast in your Values!

Theodore Roosevelt - Belief in Yourself!

Quote from President Theodore Roosevelt. Believe in Yourself! Keep Faith, and Stay the Course...

Abraham Lincoln - Always Move Forward.

Quote from President Abraham Lincoln. Always Move Forward. Slow and Steady Wins... 

Barack Obama - Keep Walking for Progress

Quote from our current President Barack Obama. Keep Walking on the Right Achieve!!


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