Baby Story : My Labor Story.

I'm back everyone! Hello blogging world, how I've missed you dearly. In case you haven't guessed by the title of this post I've had my baby girl already!!! I feel so so blessed and excited. I haven't slept in days but I'm very thankful and so in love with my little girl. Let's get this story started.

It was Monday and I felt great just like any other day,I walked my dog,cleaned the house and I had family members that where visiting that evening since we had recently moved and my mothers Goddaughter had just arrived from Tampa Florida. It was just my sister and I in the house so we decided to go to Publix to buy some ice cream and lot's of cake mix since I was in my Martha Stewart mood lol (I love cooking and baking) it was the longest walk of my life I was hot,sweaty and uncomfortable with lots of weight pressure. I decided that I needed to force myself to walk since I was 39 weeks and 4 days, my doctor had discussed induction so that instantly scared me. After walking for what seemed ages my sister and I finally reached publix but decided to grab something to eat at Casavana which is a Cuban restaurant that is delicious. I decided to get keylime pie and icy cold water (water was what I lived for while pregnant) while my sister got a full meal. After enjoying our lunch we finally headed to publix and got our goodies. As I walked back home I felt slightly better about the heat. As soon as I walked in the door I sat on the couch, got a huge glass of water and embraced the a/c haha. As I am relaxing in the cool a/c with my cold ice water my dog starts crying that he wants to go outside (by the way my dog had been extremely close to me all those days) My sister and I go and as soon as my dog starts doing his business I feel something coming out of me (sorry too much info). All of a sudden I see that its my water that broke and I was so nervous/happy since I didn't know when the pain was going to arrive,I quickly took a shower called my fiance at work,my oldest sister and everyone (mom,sisters.grandma,cousin the whole familia) was on the way to Baptist Hospital. When I finally arrived to the hospital my fiance was waiting for me and we entered L&D then we were moved to a birthing suite where it was my mom,sister,fiance and myself. My contractions started the were very tolerable I was talking laughing and having a great time until they got really painful that I was in tears haha. Unfortunately I gave in and asked for an epidural and it was God sent. I instantly felt wonderful while I thanked god that the pain was gone. Soon It was time to push and it took three to four pushes while I was laughing the whole time and my lovely baby was born at 1:37 AM 6 pounds and 15 0z.  Due to safety issues this will be the only picture of my daughter I will share.

                                   My beautiful little one that I love with all my heart.

                                           This was a tad bit uncomfortable.

I hope you all enjoyed my baby story. I would love to hear your baby story/labor story, I apologize if it sounded extremely rushed towards the end but I am writing with the laptop in my legs and baby in my chest at 2:42 in the morning haha. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and God bless.


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