Essential Oils to Calm and Relax

Use Aromatherapy to Calm and Relax

In our ever increasingly busy lives, it seems the levels of stress keep rising. We are not quite certain if the stress levels are, indeed rising, or if, as a general population we are losing our abilities to cope with it any further. On the news you hear of road rage, child abuse, murders and other indescribable crimes against humanity. The financial worries never seem to end, as there is always someone out there who wants more of the precious little you have. There seems to come a time in each individual's life when the warning lights start going off in his or her head predicting an impending meltdown unless steps are taken quickly to calm things down.

Aromatherapy maybe your answer to a non-invasive coping mechanism. If you have a garden, it may very well be filled with many plants, flowers and herbs that are capable of offering you peace and tranquility, even if it is only for a short time. Try to use the gifts essential oils impart to us and you might find that the once intolerable stressors may not seem so bad. When the body and spirit are soothed, it is easier to sit down with a clear head and rationally deal with whatever it was that had us off the edge before.

The essential oils listed below are well known for their calming and soothing properties.  You can buy them from a health food store or on the internet. These can be used in massage, in the bath, in a diffuser, in a room spray, or merely inhaled as needed from a tissue or hanky.

Lavender essential oil (anti-anxiety)
Geranium essential oil (balancing)
Mandarin essential oil (calming)
Bergamot essential oil  (relaxing)
Ylang Ylang essential oil  (sedative)
Neroil essential oil (anti-depressant)
Jasmine essential oil (sedative)
Lemon essential oil (tonic)
Melissa essential oil (balancing, induces confidence)
Palmarosa essential oil (calming to the mind)
Patchouli essential oil (helps with stress-related issues)
Petitgrain essetial oil (nerve tonic)
Sadalwood essential oil (sedative)

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