oGoing - Next Small Business Social Network - Needs Your Help

Can You Help oGoing - The Next Small Business Social Network? 

Why We Started This Company

Ogoing.com was started to provide 28 million small businesses in U.S. the best network and platform to attract new customers. Our mission is to make every small business successful. Our innovative networking and marketing platform promotes the business, boosts online visibility, increases website traffic, improves SEO ranking, generates warm leads and grows sales. oGoing is led by Sanjay Dalal, who has been involved in 7 startups; one was acquired by Cisco for $3.2 billion; another by InfoSpace. 

What Sets Us Apart

Ogoing.com is made for small business from the ground-up. We are highly passionate about growing the small business. We have created the most innovative and easiest-to-use social media marketing and networking platform wherein any small business can create their profile, connect and start marketing within five minutes. Ogoing.com integrates with Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and has leading mobile apps on both Apple App Store and Android Google Play. Over 10,000 businesses have joined Ogoing.com

Our Keys To Success

Ogoing.com has created the easiest-to-use marketing and networking platform for small business. It is our relentless focus on our core customer and providing them the best interactive online experience that makes us successful. Ogoing.com is constantly innovating so that our platform becomes stickier and engaging, and our network scalable, faster and secured. Ogoing.com believes there are three keys to long-term success: 1. Grow the business network. 2. Engage the members. 3. Monetize with smart services
oGoing is raising money through crowdfunding to accelerate our customer acquisition, expand our network and platform, innovate faster, and establish our operations team. 
Please contact me if you are interested in investing in oGoing, or know of any potential accredited investors.
I sincerely appreciate your help!
My email: ceo@ogoing.biz
cell phone: 949-910-0615
Sanjay Dalal
founder / CEO, oGoing

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