Microsoft Wearable Fitness Technology; A Combination of Good Health and Technology

Recently, I was so occupied in my workout inside and outside the tennis court.  As I grow older I need to maintain my body as fit as possible.  As a matter of fact, many innovators today are creating gadget technologies to monitor the physical health status of an individual.  With this regard, many computer applications that we can install in our smartphones are already available to detect our physical status.  Furthermore, computer watches today are having special applications to also monitor the health status of the individual.

These technological advance related to health monitoring will advance the science of healthcare and allow the medical practitioner to determine and monitor the patient’s status in real time.  Any given sport watches today are having special application to detect in real time the heart rate of the individual while playing the sport.  As such, technology will finally merge with human health in any ways not only in hospitals during major surgery.

Just to mention the new update of Microsoft fitness band that connects to your smartphone (with Microsoft OS) with its special features to track the runner through its GPS technology.  The fitness raw data will then be analyzed through the applications of the smartphone interpreted to the exact medical definition of the individual status.

This revolutionary technology of Microsoft will allow the wearable technology comfort for the next generation of human race.  We may call it the internet of everything. 

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