The Asian and ASEAN regions Cold War; A Political and Business Perspective

The integration of nations in Asian and ASEAN regions portrays the political setup of the Cold War decades ago.

As of this time European countries and the United States itself is buying the social sympathy from the different political leaders of the Asian and ASEAN region member countries. According to Sen. "Rene Saguisag" a former senator and a Harvard Law Professor who said that "as Filipinos we don't have permanent friends and enemies but we have permanent  interest." Meaning we preserve our country according to the distinct political and cultural background that we follow.

As of this time countries around the world are buying the political sympathy from our political leaders and the general population. As in the field of business, international integration of companies represented by multinational companies are basing their business operations in the Asian and ASEAN regions. In my line of thinking, political influence from western and European countries will still dominate knowing that technology and knowledge through education is still from the advance first world countries.

With this respect, third world countries and the emerging market as well has the tendencies to depend its political and business management from the knowledge of the first world universities.  "Cold War" in political and business dominance in Asia and ASEAN will lead to International Idealism with its relatedness to the competition of the first world countries in terms of knowledge exploration and influence.

The exact knowledge management framework related to the political and business functions in Asian and ASEAN regions must be properly formulated to avoid erratic policy formulation bias to the non member Asian and ASEAN countries.

The replica of the Republic of the Philippines now and then; The Cold War still continues

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