Turn Your I WISH Into I DO 2015

YOU! YES YOU! It's finally time to make that long awaited change. Aren't you tired of saying everyday and every year I want to do this or I want to accomplish that? Yet you are still sitting on your butt not doing anything to change or make your goals come to life? Sorry but its time someone shows you tough love. You will accomplish NOTHING! if you continue down the same road.

It's time to stop victimizing yourself and feeling self pity. Yes bad things happened to you and it has happened to the most successful people around the world but guess what? They didn't sit around and mope. While you are moping someone else is making money that you could be making. You don't have to wait every year for a new year to start to start over, guess what? Everyday is a new day, a chance to start all over. You are blessed to be alive and breathing so everyday is a blessing. Turn all that pain into a gain. Turn those no's and you can't do it into success.
It's time for your big change. This is your time to shine.

You know all those times you said I wish I was a millionaire, I wish I had my own business, I wish I could help others, I wish all my dreams came true. What ever you have ever wished for YOU CAN DO IT! You want to turn that into I DO have MILLIONS, I DO have my own BUSINESS, I DO help others, I DO have all my dreams completed because they became a REALITY.

One of the most important things that many don't know is the secret to success is LOVE. Yes it's love. You might be thinking but Yashira how is love a way to success, when I've been hurt and even worse my relationship just went down the drain..ect You have to have love in your heart in order to succeed. Ask yourself where has all that hate,anger and bitterness taken you? Have you accomplished all your goals? Have good things happened in your life? Have you been blessed with great opportunities? Most likely your answer is no. As you see anger and bitterness don't bring anything good to life but negativity. You need to learn to let go. Leave all that behind. All that is blocking your blessings and opportunities. Leave it to all to God, he sees what you are going through. Forgive those who have hurt you and let it all go. You will feel like a ton of bricks have been lifted from your heart.

Start by writing down your goals. If you don't know what you want to do take a moment to close you eyes and ask yourself what do I like/what's my aspiration in life. If you are still confused pray for an answer. It's time to start your business. It's time to make a change. It's your time to SHINE! May God Bless you with health and abundance.


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