The Communication Machinery inside the Business industry: A mini case from the text of Bovee and Thill

The most important part of business today is the internal and external communication.  Since the start of management and marketing, supply chain communication is so important to connect the business transaction across the supply chain.  With the new internet technology business letters before are all stored in the company’s database using the ERP system to deliver the business message and communication across the supply chain.

Lecture of Basic Business Communication Writing 

Documentation such as formal business letter for external use and memo for internal use are well manage by the business companies of today.  But fundamentally each worker of the company must have the knowledge of the basic formatting in letter writing and business correspondence.

From the mini case of Bovee and Thill 8th edition (2000) Chapter 7 page 233 (Documents for Analysis 7A) The following possible solutions are written below:


TO: ABC University Board

FROM: Student Body Representative

SUBJECT: Microwave External Purchasing Transaction

DATE: August 5, 2_____

With the new policy of the University of closing the cafeteria department, our students would like to ask permission from the ABC university board to allow the students to cook and prepare their food inside the dormitory.  As for the moment, we are asking some companies to give their product reviews and special company services for our students.  We as the student body would like to ask the university board for the positive support in terms of this case.  


Student Body Representative
ABC University


ABC University

August 10, 2___

Product Manager
XYZ Company

Dear Product Manager:

I am representing from the student body of ABC University.  Our students are planning to have their food preparation and cooking inside the dormitory since the cafeteria is being closed by the time being. As to the information printed in the Collegiate Magazine our students would like to inquire regarding your product microwave oven with the following requisites below:

1. Is it possible that you can deliver the microwaves by August 15th?  I believe this is a short notice information, because our university board of trustees had made the decision to close the cafeteria.
2. If the students will buy from your company do you have warranty? Or any special warranty option for the students to avail?
3. How much cost will the student incur since we will buy it in bulk? Can we have special discount?
4. With concern to the buying and technical services, can you provide special outlets maybe inside the university for easy accessibility and comfort of our students?
 5. Is your product user friendly? If our students needs technical assistance and instructions does your company provide product instructors for the students?

As for the moment we are in a short time in getting inquiries from companies selling microwave ovens.  If your company can give good services to our students maybe the university board will conclude that your company will supply our students microwave ovens.


Student Body Representative
ABC University

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