Your First Dental Visit as an Adult!

What would your ideal dental office visit be like? Relaxed? Educational? Inexpensive?

Your first visit at a new dental office should not intimidate you, emotionally or financially.  Nothing should hold you back from being as healthy as possible, this includes your dental health.   Here is what you should expect at an initial new patient visit during your comprehensive examination:

  • Oral Cancer Screening: Prevention of oral cancer through the early identification of pre-cancerous conditions (provided at every appointment).

  •  Dental Exam: A clinical exam and radiographs (x-rays) findings are used to determine the most conservative but thorough treatment plan for your oral needs.
  • Periodontal Examination: Examination of your gum tissues to insure that any gum disease is detected and treated. 
  •  Orthodontic Examination: We examine the position of your teeth and the relationship between your upper and lower jaws. If your teeth are not properly aligned, excessive tooth wear, jaw damage, and periodontal issues can occur.
  • Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) Examination: Temporo-Mandibular Dysfunction (TMD) is a condition that includes popping and clicking of the jaw, limited jaw function, pain in the neck, shoulders, and upper back, and pain and pressure in the face and ears. 
  • X Rays: We use digital (computer based) x-rays that use a fraction of the radiation exposure of regular x-rays. The images are also clearer and therefore much more diagnostic. We take seriously the concern of radiation exposure and take only the necessary films needed to properly diagnose your dental health.
  • Camera: We take photographs, called intraoral pictures, of all the teeth to help you better understand all treatment recommendation.

So we've provided you with a lot of information about your teeth, now what?  The doctor and the financial coordinator will sit down with you and go over findings, treatment options, and financial options.  This is a perfect time to ask as many questions as possible.  Your oral health should be as important to you as it is to us!

Take charge of your oral health and reserve an appointment today!

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