Dr Steve Harris, alumnus of Da Vinci writes two books

Dr Steve Harris is a Da Vinci alumnus and over the past few years has written two books.
Mental Toughness is a self-help book and it is available through Kindle only.
The other is a very recent novel (Impimpi) available through Kindle and smash words and is also printable through Kindle.

Mental Toughness – Mastering your mind

Dr Steve Harris is a successful business man, an academic, a world champion sportsman, a former mind coach for an international sport team and a conference speaker. This is the background that has spawned a book on mental toughness. It is based on the outcomes of his PhD thesis and more importantly goes beyond his scientific truths delving into what leaders in the field and authors claim about mental toughness and how you can master your mind.
Steve's research indicated that mental toughness can provide you with a unique and sustainable competitive advantage. This is complemented by the fact that neuro-psychologists agree we are instinctively competitive. They claim we contend with others by nature and that being instinctively competitive is one of our survival mechanisms. However, this instinct alone doesn't give us a unique and sustainable benefit in this modern era. He proposes that his mental toughness model exposes you to an approach that will give you; an upper hand on its own, it will combine with instinctive competitiveness and work in harmony with another competitive advantage that you already possess and enhance it even further.
Assuming mental toughness is an area that will help you improve your performance; He is proposing a range of components that you could use to develop your mental toughness literacy, help you move in the direction of your dreams and (when necessary) punch above your weight. In many instances you will find that you know something or even a great deal about the components he is suggesting. However, despite this knowledge, you may not be doing enough with it. That is why he calls his book Mental Toughness – Mastering Your Mind, because it’s not enough that you know it – you need to convince your mind that you must do it as well.

The book is a work of fiction. It is inspired by events that occurred during the specified period and by some of the author’s experiences during that era.
South Africa is trapped in a titanic clash between black anger and white fear. A self-righteous government hangs on to power in the name of God and on the pretext of containing communist expansion. Fervent freedom fighters try to destabilize the government and wrestle power from the white minority.
1950–1976, the golden era of apartheid, provides the context in which an Eastern Cape boy grapples with meaning in an environment of superstition, religion, tradition, war, racism, broken relationships and betrayal. November 15, 1976, five months after the ANC-initiated Soweto uprising, and a week after the government-sponsored massacre in Maseru, a private investigator is the target of a bomb at his premises …
This compelling tale echoes our contemporary world, where morality and justice continue to be corrupted by cultural zealots and religious extremists; love is still blind and betrayal remains omnipresent.

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