FNB BCom 1: SOS and MLD: Jean Grundling - Bank City.

A new group of learners looking to embark on their learning journey, started their first workshop of the BCom qualification on 29 April 2015 at Bank City, Johannesburg.
Members of the Da Vinci team were present including the FNB Key Account Manager, Heidi Smith, Administrators Berouzka Rheeder and Future Ngwenya, Information Officer Dewald Kruger and Student Support, Dr Linda Chipunza.
The format of the workshop was that of a relaxed environment where learners were introduced to the team and taken through their work packs. The self-directed learners were also given a virtual tour of the Da Vinci e-learning platform, Moodle which is utilised for submitting assignments. Furthermore, an additional virtual tour was displayed by Dewald Kruger, who gave tips on researching topics on the VUT library as well as for general searches on internet browsers.
Dr Linda Chipunza shared the importance of work-life-study balance as they begin their journey and how imperative it is to find a personal rhythm within their schedules to balance pressures at work, family life at home and the additional responsibilities of studying. Dr Chipunza also reiterated the co-creation that Da Vinci offers and that collectively all staff at Da Vinci understand the difficulties and challenges that a working adult learner experiences and encouragement was relayed to the learners, to never give up.
The workshop was facilitated by Ms Jean Grundling and the modules discussed over the two days (29 April 2015 / 30 April 2015) were Self, Other and Social Context (SOS), Managerial Leadership Development (MLD), Professional writing and Problem solving, creative thinking and decision making (PCD). These fundamental modules assist with the cultivating of skills in order to ensure a cultivated managerial leader that can contribute towards sustainable societies.

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