Globalization as a Necessity (A book reading reflection)

Reading from the academic literature of Ambrose & Brinkley (1997) during my morning coffee obliged me to turn on my personal computer again and write the positive views of globalization. Ambrose & Brinkley (1997) from their literature the “rise of globalism” portrays the concept of world war and economics.  Since the war in Europe and going to Asia and the modern cold war, still the conclusive theory to unionize the world is towards the conceptualization of globalization.  

On the contrary, the readings portrays the war and economic theory of the famous US presidents like Eisenhower & Kennedy in pushing the new frontiers of democracy over communism.  As a thought, government ideology will greatly affect towards the national economic endeavor of a country like US or Cuba for example.  

As of today the concept of Clinton towards the Democratic Enlargement uses the skills and tools of NATO and the UN to academically and professionally mobilize the whole program scenario.  Take for example, the influence of US economic culture towards the Arab countries like Saudi Arabia. The economic relationship of the two countries surpasses that of any given allied countries due to its mutual economic exchange relationship.  In that sense, from Carter to Obama the inter-economic connectivity between the two countries becomes a necessity for both national economies.

The reading finally suggest that twisting the path to war is actually towards a more common avenue of political and economic international culture.  Having said that UN and NATO are the working force in mobilizing globalization, governments on the contrary together with all the religious groups must show common grounds in uniting loosen cultural values and respect among international countries.

According to Ronald Reagan “Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.” 

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