Student Feedback Report: April 2015

The Da Vinci Institute values the engagement, happiness and success of students as they proceed on their learning journey. In order to continuously improve the quality of the student’s experience, the Client Engagement team monitors regular feedback received by students after every workshop.

As part of the feedback, the details of their experience cover various aspects including content covered in the module and the learning outcomes, facilitation approach, the level of expertise of the facilitator, the impact of learning in the workplace and the overall client engagement experience.

In April 2015, 219 overall responses were received from students. Based on feedback received, the quality of the content of modules completed was rated at 83% which is exceptionally positive. The overall level of expertise of the facilitators experienced by students was rated at 91%, whilst the ability to stimulate critical thinking was rated at 88%.

The feedback received is also discussed with the individual facilitators to ensure that overall performance is maintained and that students have the opportunity to think critically, reflect on module content and apply such principles in their workplace. The notion of co-creation is essential as the facilitation, module content and mode 2 methodologies should be aligned to facilitate a journey of self-discovery.

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