Jack Ma, I-Ching and the Successful Life

In Jack Ma's talk on success given in Korean KBS TV, we can find the wisdom of Ancient Chinese Philosophy of I-Ching still very applicable to our modern and high tech world. Here are the details...

Some Facebook friend shared about this Jack Ma: What Life Should Be Like Between 20 & 60 Years. It sounds very similar to me. Indeed, it is very close to the teaching that I do on I-Ching for success in life and business.

Here is the mind-map showing the similarity of Ma and I-Ching teaching:

Since Jack Ma is a Chinese with a teacher background, it is likely that he know I-Ching well. The key point is Ancient Chinese Wisdom works well even for today high technology world.

See also The Effective Way of Learning - Sharapova Advice for Prodigies, where Sharapova advised the young successful to watch for the real important things in life besides your tennis or business, get mentors and choose your friends, have funs but watch out for temptations, and continue to work hard. Such are taught by I-Ching hexagrams of wisdom too.

Jack Ma's 10 Rules for Success

Here is the bonus, modified slightly from Evan Carmichael's Youtube channel at Jack Ma's Top 10 Rules for Success.

Compare this with my Integrated Success Principles v10 .... You will find many similarities too.

Lim Liat (c) 2-6-2015

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