Academic Reading Techniques: an Intensive English Course for the New University Students of RMUTT (Reading and Understanding Business Articles) (Week 1)

The transition between high school and university studies varies according to the specific field of academic discipline.  As to the academic faculty of business; listening, speaking, reading, and writing are the fundamental skills in studying the whole four year course granting that understanding the business cases, business plans and creating business research and thesis are the four basic skills in communication that are necessary in university study.  As for our first week activity, students are taught to conceptualize the whole business article by understanding the basic pattern of reading from writing.  In order to understand a given business article either it’s a long or short business article one must know the pattern and why the article is being prepared in such manner.

By doing so, students can easily dissect and comprehend the main point and ideas of the article.  Understanding business reading cases in University is a vital part in university academic study.  Moreover, academic reading are also applied in TOIEC and TOEFL test were by passing such kind of international exams will all require the same lessons taught in this intensive academic English  program.  In continuation for next week’s lesson, understanding the business article alone is not enough to create inferential knowledge from the students.  Therefore, by next week students will be taught how to create INFERENCE from each MAIN IDEA given in the business article.  In such manner students are more creative in adding and analyzing new ideas and wisdom from the given business case or article.

With all these new revitalized intensive English program of the University (Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi) RMUTT, the teachers felt the camaraderie and teamwork from the vibrant leadership of our team and program leader Dr. Santikorn Pamornpathomkul (Ph.D., Economics, University of Central Florida, USA).  Thanks to him in organizing all the class schedules that will appear easier for both students and teachers to complete the whole course.

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