Introducing PTIP Innovations

As part of our strategy for this year, we will be profiling our winners from 2014 and are pleased to introduce PTIP who were awarded the Management of System award In 2014.

The company PTIP Innovations, 2014 TT100 winner of the award for the Management of Systems in the medium size category was founded in 2005 and is headed up by Professor Vivian Alberts. It is involved in the research, development and production of thin film PV modules and systems. 

It was founded to facilitate the commercial exploitation of intellectual property (IP) and know-how related to novel and innovative semiconductor process technologies in the field of thin film photovoltaic (PV) technologies. The new and improved PV technology has been developed over a period of more than 20 years at the Department of Physics at the University of Johannesburg. The key strategic objective of the company is the world-wide licensing of turnkey PV plants and related products. Furthermore, the company also aims to facilitate the development of a highly trained and professional PV workforce in South Africa that will form a basis for the establishment of a competitive local PV industry.

The TT100 adjudicators awarded the Management of System award to this innovative company with this accompanying comment: “From a small university laboratory size breakthrough to a full-size pilot plant, this company is now a recognised global leader in solar voltaic technology. Together with local and global partners, they have been able to develop a fully integrated manufacturing process in which the full process from raw materials to final solar panels and waste removal have been integrated. The elegance of their process includes the downstream application of their products, which includes solar farms, roof top systems and a unique application for off-grid electrical energy supply and reticulation. This is systems thinking at its best. “

The values of the leadership of a business always shapes its success and CEO of PTIP Innovations, Professor Alberts had the following answers to the questions as outlined below:

What is your favourite saying about innovation?
“If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old” – Peter F Drucker
What is your motto in life?
Passion for Innovation
Who is your technology role model?
Steve Jobs.
Is there a current innovative project or idea that stands out to you in life?
Modern energy storage innovations such as the grid-scale liquid metal batteries (LMD).
What top 3 values are important to you?
Innovation, Teamwork and Excellence
How do you drive these values in your organisation?

Innovative research and technology excellence is constantly pursued by a committed team that has extensive experience and a broad knowledge of technology and industry. The technology and commercial challenges are approached with dedicated international partner(s) that follows similar visions and values. Since our main business is about technology and product excellence, we continue to invest in technology improvements and internal training programs for all our staff. We constantly promote the highest level of professionalism and personal integrity amongst our employees. 

Other awards that PTIP Innovations have won include 2014 Frost & Sullivan, South Africa Solar Photovoltaic Technology Innovation Leadership Award. PTIP Innovations entered the TT100 Awards programme in 2014 to benchmark their technology and company against other industry/business leaders, and promote the company’s image internally as well as externally to potential customers of their technology and related PV products.

They are a business that are going places and would like to stand out as a company that are providing internationally competitive technology that develops products and services in order to improve the quality of life for people, both locally and internationally.

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