Make a bedtime book

The Bed time book

This post is a little different. I had intended to share it a few months ago as part of the sleep series, but it got pushed to the side. It is time for a family project. Come on moms and dads, get your creative juices flowing. Make a bedtime book!

Children love ritual and will enjoy reading their special book night after night (you will tire of it long before they do.) Here is a step by step guide to making your own. Many children love helping you make the book by posing for the appropriate pictures.

Get a binder. Make sure that it is one that has an insert on the front so you can slide in a photo. This should not be too hard to find. Put the pages into clear page protectors for a waterproof book that you can tweak over time by adding or subtracting pages. You may want to update it yearly with current photos and rituals.

Call it what you want; MY BEDTIME BOOK or add your child's name and age.

Start the book with photos of important people and introduce them.
Text:    Here is (parent) and if there are two of you, here is (parent),
Here is (sibling)
Here is (pet)
and end with This is Me (or us if sharing)

For young kids I would keep it to your immediate family members and pets, but you can be as inclusive as you want. Keep in mind that you don't want it too long.

Next add a Picture of your house with street sign and address:
This is where my family lives (great way for kids to learn their address)
Picture of bed.
Picture of special blanket
This is the safe comfy place where I sleep
These are my special stuffed animals

If your child has two homes you can take a picture of each room and make 2 copies of the book so there is one at each house. It is nice to have a ritual that is a consistent in both places.

Take pictures of your nighttime rituals such as:

I get into Pajamas
Picture of toothy smile - Before I go to sleep I brush my teeth. It is important to have clean and healthy teeth.
We get into bed and the lights get a little darker (picture of snuggling)

You can add some open-ended pages that allow the story to vary each night. Options include things like:
We have read our (number that you have agreed on) stories/books
We have sung our (number that you have agreed on) songs

Let's tell about something I did today that I am proud of
Let's tell about something I did today that was kind
Lets tell about something I learned today
Let's talk about something special that we can look forward to tomorrow
We send special goodnight "thought kisses" to people that we love

Finally, end with pages appropriate to winding down the good night process:

Getting good sleep is important. My body does a lot of growing when I am asleep.
My family is very proud of me when I stay in bed all night. If I get up too much they might get grumpy ( photo of silly grumpy faces)

Now it is time to say good night and to turn off the light; maybe I will get a special massage (optional but what a nice way to end the day)

Good night!! See you tomorrow!!
I would LOVE to see your finished projects.

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