Climate Change and its Economic Shift
Many national and international regulations related to climate change has been moved from congress to senate in many states and countries around the world to impose the rapid change of laws related to climate change. The urgency of this laws are necessary in a sense that it will affect the humanity's survival. From the concepts of the biological scientist to the improvement of laws by the legislatures and its effect to the economic and business sector, climate change not only change the environment but also changes the economic life and way of business survival. As of this time many consumer goods are all related to preserving our climate and all. Does it mean that there is also global warming in economy? Some may say yes or no but to my personal inference global warming in the economy relates to the archaic of products and services that is deem irrelevant to the new world way of living granting the fact that all multinational companies are producing consumer goods that is more environmental friendly. Likewise, in the field of human resource obsolete human resources starts with the skill acquired by a given man power that may deem not useful to the given task of the new age of climate change related products.
The new age of human resource are all formulated from the given universities of a country that the usefulness of the graduates are all in the account of the educational institutions or the universities. My imaginative scenario when a given mass of human resource cannot accomplish the task given by the modern business environment due to the obsolete scientific studies being used as skill theories and formulation. To cite an example, Google Company is not after of the university diploma of their employees but with the innovative skills acquired maybe not from educational institutions but by personal acquisition of the knowledge from personal experience of the specific task. As such, Harvard University together with MIT and Stanford are opening the open access course through the program of MOOCs to cater the world through internet learning and impart the specific knowledge and skills to a specific task. Likewise, International Schools around the world have their own program structure with continues evolution of program improvement that is more related to the change of nature with its connectivity to learning.
Finally, we can say that some learning strategies are now irrelevant to the new age of living and climate change. Some may think that climate change is all about climate and environment, but it is not. Climate change will affect everything we do in this world even in how we deal with business, economics, and education. If learning and educational background is not environmental friendly (meaning, knowledge and theories used are not in congruent to the present actual economic problems related to climate change) then maybe our knowledge for business and economics is in global warming. Ummmm! Are we in knowledge global warming? Think about it before it is too late.
Global Warming Related to Education
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