Part 1: Back to School the Lux Way

Happy Monday!!!

Welcome to part one of the three part series: Back to School the Lux Way!!! 

The summer is over for some and others have one more week before a new chapter starts (lucky you). The first day of school is so exciting because it's the day you see all of your friends and get the best dressed title! I remember staying up the night before just imagining how cute my new clothes will look and how I will do my hair. This usually lasted the first week then reality started to set in that test were on the way. If a hard test was that day I always tried to look cute so mentally I felt awesome. With studying hard and wearing my cute outfit I always aced those test. Ok, maybe it was all the studying...but I like to think it was both. :) 

Tip* Make sure you try on all your outfits and put them together the night before to cut morning time*

 I know many of you are headed back to high school or college so I created 5 Lux looks that are affordable, comfortable, chic and will help you gain that best dressed title! Enjoy!!! XOXO

Tag me in your back to school look on Instagram @pinkluxpl or twitter @pinkluxpl. Email for all outfit details and coupon code! XOXO

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Until next time stay Lux... XOXO

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