Hábitos matutinos que puedes hacer en tu dia.

Discover Good Nutrition, Fitness & Beauty

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 05:30 AM PDT
Morning Beauty HabitsIncorporate a few morning beauty habits into your daily routine and you will look and feel better as a result.
I admit I am NOT a morning person. I wish I was because like most of us, my day starts early. I have never enjoyed being woken up by the sound of an alarm clock. I often hear my personal, smartphone wake up sound used as other people's ring tones and no matter what time of day it is, it sends shivers up my spine.

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One thing I know for sure is that if I wake up aggravated, I look aggravated all day long. And a stressed out face is not an attractive face. So it's time to take advantage of the morning and embrace the rising sun. Wake up sleepy heads! Starting today, incorporate these tips into your morning routine. And if you commit to your new habits every single day, you will look and feel better as a result.
Here are my favorite "must do" beauty tips to get your day started on the right path!
The Most Important Meal of the Day
Breakfast time? Put down those sugary cereals, maple syrup drenched pancakes and chocolate covered donuts immediately. Our bodies need to be properly fueled to get our day started on the right foot and protein is the number one fuel that we need. A breakfast that is high in protein helps us to feel fuller throughout the morning. This is important because it keeps us from snacking on the wrong foods during the morning hours and keeps us from over indulging at lunchtime. Think eggs, Greek yogurt, or if you are like me, think chocolate protein shake. I'm not a traditional breakfast person but I know I can get all of my protein and essential vitamins in a delicious shake. And the best part? I can bring my shake with me as I'm running out the door in the morning. It's the best "grab and go" breakfast I could ask for! Have you had your shake today?
Wake Up with a Cup of Tea
I've always been a morning coffee lover. But, between the coffee breath and the late morning caffeine jitters, it's time to make a healthy change. And green tea is the answer. Not only will it help wake you up, but it also contains antioxidants to help fend of free radical damage. Remember, free radicals are a key culprit when it comes to aging and antioxidants can contribute to healthy aging. Drink up in the name of beauty.
Speaking of Antioxidants
What we put on our bodies is equally important to what we put in. So it's important to apply antioxidant-rich skin care products. Vitamins C & E help to fend off free radical damage. Unfortunately, these free radicals are found everywhere – in the pollution we are exposed to every day, the UV rays of the sun and in many of the foods we consume. Our own bodies create free radicals. Applying antioxidant enriched skin care products every morning is a must. Think cleanser, toner, serum and moisturizer. Sunscreen is mandatory before leaving the house every morning, no matter what the weather. It's a must in the name of beauty to always protect our skin from the damaging rays of the sun.
H2O is the Way to Go
You know about the importance of water and keeping the body hydrated, but did you know that drinking water in the morning is super important? Think about it. For every hour that we are capitalizing on our beauty sleep, it's an hour that the body is not getting any water. And if you are lucky to get a good 8 hours of sleep, when you wake up your body needs to hydrate. When we are dehydrated we simply don't feel our best. We can get headaches, feel sluggish and well, we can look dehydrated on the outside. Dehydrated skin magnifies any fine lines and wrinkles that we may have. So make it a morning habit to drink a tall glass of water when you first wake up. Not only will this help to hydrate your body, but it will also help to kick start your metabolism and get your day started on the right foot.
Exercise in the AM for a Restful PM
If you can commit to getting in a little morning exercise, you will reap the benefits at bedtime. Set aside some time for yourself every morning for a brisk morning walk, a swim before work or even a few laps around your neighborhood on your bicycle. Studies suggest that those who exercise in the morning are more likely to get a better night's sleep then those who don't. And remember, it's called beauty sleep for a reason! Plus, there's nothing like that post workout glow to give you a more youthful, radiant appearance to start off your day. So, no more snooze buttons! Believe it or not, even though we think that extra 10 minutes is important it actually makes it even more difficult to get out of bed. So, make it a practice NOT to hit the snooze button. Put your alarm clock across the room so you have to get out of bed to shut it off. Sounds like torture doesn't it? But, once you can appreciate the benefit, it won't be torturous anymore.
Start every day off by following these morning beauty habits and you will start to love the morning! Taking care of our bodies and our skin is important. Remember, the healthiest bodies and the healthiest skin are always the most beautiful!
Written by beauty expert, Jacquie Carter. Jacquie is Director of Outer Nutrition at Herbalife. Discover the HerbalifeSKIN line here.

Find out more at: http://www.DiscoverHerbalife.com

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