The old Silk Road is at Risk?

The Asian region is the most lucrative region for International Business today, the focus of the military might of Russia and America run down to the regions of middle east and the Asian region.  The old Silk road is rekindled as the new road of wealth and world economic prosperity.  Among the regions covered by the old Silk Road Economy is China.  As of today China and the neighboring countries like the ASEAN countries, Japan, Korea, and Hongkong are the frontline of the revived silk economy region.  

Though not literally, silk is still the major product of today but the logistical connectedness of Asia and Europe are vital in terms of International business and logistics even until today.  Sadly, the region is at risk due to regional political conflicts and other lawless activities like piracy and smuggling across the region.   Even today the security in the surrounding islets of Asia and ASIAN are weak in terms of security for the reason that countries covering the Asian and ASEAN regions are also in a political conflict and power struggle.  The involvement of NATO and UN is a big part of the negotiation but miscommunication is still a huge possibility due to the circumstance that natural wealth sharing is not done fairly.  

Recently, business infrastructures like the railroad from Europe to Asia is a dream project of Russia, America, and China were in huge business investments will follow after political misunderstanding are settled.  Unifying the International Laws through IMF, WTO, & UN for example are the long awaited dream of every government and world citizen.  Such that, Programs outside the core political debate inside UN are the faculties of education and leisure cultural activities that will gradually allow the universal mind setting for every world citizen situated in any region of Asian and ASEAN.  Culture and religious activities must be unified in a manner of understanding and communicating with intercultural and interreligious activities across the ASEAN and Asian region and beyond.  Building the Silk Road back to its feet must start from the cultural aspect of the community.  Relatively, Physical business infrastructure like the modern railway will follow as to the participation and understanding of countries inside Asian, ASEAN, Europe and the Americas.  

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