The trust of Science and Numbers; The new Faith

I came across to my journal readings today and one of the authors of Princeton University Press author Theodore M. Porter discusses the trust of numbers and the pursuit of objectivity in science and public life.  As of today science is conceived both in admiration and fear.  

In this context the fundamental theories of Galileo and other ancient arts scientist and mathematician are rigorously working on refining the inner realm of mathematics and science related to human life and existence.  Further achievements of the scholars before build up until today with the eagerness of the young scientist and professors to advance the studies of the ancient pillars of education until today.  

On the contrary, arguments are made later after the new scholars formulated new practical concepts that may deem contradicting to the theories of the past.  But nevertheless, the exactness of numerical calculations applied to social sciences of today are not only effective in our actual daily usage but also helpful in managing sociopolitical management at large.    

Is number the new faith?

World of Science Festival

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