BURJ AL ARAB...Ladies And Gentlemen !
Google Street View tour of the world's most luxurious hotel
A new interactive sneak peek inside the the seven-starred Burj Al Arab Jumeirah in Dubai.
Helipad view, Jumeirah Inside
One of the world's most luxurious hotel has just launched a new Google Street Viewtour that allows potential guests to explore its rooms, and even its helipad, from a whole new perspective.
The seven-starred Burj Al Arab Jumeirah, which stands on its own artificial island inDubai, have collaborated with the internet giant to provide a 360-degree interactive tour of its opulent interior, once available exclusively to paying guests.
Inside Jumeirah works in the same way as Google Street View, allowing visitors to intimately explore the opulent lobby, atrium, restaurants, bars, spa and suites before finishing with the hotel's helipad roof at the top of the building via a click of the mouse.
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