Fitness Motivation: Maintain Your Best Shape All Year

Discover Good Nutrition, Fitness & Beauty

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 11:22 AM PST
How to Perform Better in the GymHow can you stay motivated and maintain your personal best shape all year long?
If your body confidence and attitude toward health and fitness fluctuates depending on the time of year you are not alone. Even the most dedicated fitness enthusiasts can struggle to maintain a healthy body composition and fitness level year-round. Changes in the weather and increased family commitments over the holidays are often the main cause of derailing people from their healthy, active lifestyle.

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The best advice I can give to help you maintain your personal best shape is to avoid what I call the domino effect. Let me explain – nutrition and activity go hand in hand, one inevitably affects the other and it's a balancing act that each of us has to master. Especially during the winter months. Falling off track with your nutrition plan can make you feel less motivated to exercise and once you start skipping your regular daily activity, you may feel sluggish and even crave sugary treats to compensate for your lack of energy. We all know that eating more and exercising less can play havoc with your body composition and make you gain weight quite quickly. It's a vicious cycle that is quite hard to break.
Here are some tips that you can use to help you keep your best shape throughout the year.
Weekdays in the office can get quite hectic during the holiday season so plan to get up early and get your exercise routine out of the way in the morning. There is a greater chance that lunch-time and after work festivities will interfere with mid-day or after work fitness plans so avoid it by being an early bird for a few weeks. It only takes a few days for your body to adjust to a new wake up time so power through the first few difficult days.
Immediate Fix
Avoid the domino effect by making healthy daily choices and staying active, regardless of the season or your busy schedule. When life does get in the way of your healthy routine, make sure that you get back on track the very next day so that one lazy day doesn't turn into a lazy month.
Stay in Motion
When our body is in motion we tend to feel good and are naturally inclined to make healthier nutrition choices. After all, when you're slugging it out on the treadmill the last thing you want to do is ruin all of your hard work with too much dessert. If you are struggling to be consistent with your healthy eating plan, schedule in a few extra workouts to help jump- start your diet.
Make it Fun
Keep your exercise routines interesting and exciting indoors by experimenting with new machines and exercises. If it is cold outside you can still exercise outdoors in the fresh air. Just be sure to dress appropriately with layers.
Stay Committed
It's very easy to slip out of your healthy, active routine. And once you stop it can be difficult to get yourself going again. That's why I believe that making a commitment to staying active year-round may be the best approach to ensuring your nutrition plan and fitness results stays on track. Use a daily planner so that you can maximize any free time that you have and ensure that you dedicate a minimum of 30 minutes a day to your physical health each day. Taking a day off for rest is important, but if you know that a lazy day will make you choose unhealthy food options, try to ensure that your rest day is active with a walk or some light exercise.
Don't get into the cycle of resting and hibernating this winter. Instead, do what's best for your body and stay consistent. If you want to get and stay in shape, you must find ways to stay active year round. When it comes to getting and staying fit, making good daily lifestyle choices is the most important success factor.
Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is Sr. Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.
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