Liquid Fasting Diet

Liquid Fasting Diet

A liquid fast involves abstaining from solid food for a period of time, usually from one to three days up to a maximum of nine days. Fresh vegetable and fruit juices, herbal teas, water and vegetable broths replace solid foods in a liquid fast. Benefits you may experience from a short-term fast include weight loss, detoxification, and improved organ and gland function. Combine fasting with laxative use or enemas can be very beneficial to further cleanse the lower digestive tract. People in good health are normally able to tolerate a fast, but those in ill health should seek medical advice first.


Weight Loss
One benefit of a liquid fast is the resulting weight loss. During a liquid fast, you naturally consume fewer calories, which can bring about weight loss. Beyond a reduction in calories, a liquid fast supports proper liver function. An overtaxed liver is less efficient in removing fat from the blood stream, and the consequence is excess fat storage. A liquid fast provides a rest for your liver from its normal load and allows it to process stored fats for elimination more efficiently. You may also experience a reduction in food cravings and increased metabolism during a liquid fast. Combine these factors and you could lose up to one pound of unwanted fat each day, according to Dr. Sandra Cabot, author of “The Juice Fasting Bible.”

Improved Organ Function
Fresh vegetable and fruit juices supply an abundance of easily digestible nutrients, including enzymes, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. These nutrients are readily absorbed and may improve organ and gland function, as well as focus your body’s efforts on rebuilding activities rather than on digestion. At the cellular level, these nutrients aid the body in the destruction of aged and dying cells and speeds the building of new, healthy cells. All of this can result in improved bodily functions and a more youthful appearance (clearer skin) and feeling good.

Heavy metals, chemicals and metabolic byproducts can enter the body through ingestion, direct skin contact and the air you breathe. Liquid fasting supports the eliminative organs' efforts to detoxify by enhancing organ function.. Enhanced organ function improves the processing and elimination of toxins and metabolic wastes. The constant supply of supportive liquids may also cleanse the digestive tract of mucous and accumulated waste.

Consult your health professional before beginning a fast. Do not fast for more than three days without medical supervision. Do not undertake a liquid fast if you are pregnant, lactating, under-weight or have a medical condition that precludes fasting. Children should not fast. When fasting, you may experience side effects such as headache, fatigue, constipation and increased body odor.


Liquid fasting is the abstaining from all solid foods--only liquids are ingested. Listed below are a variety of liquids used both historically and in contemporary times for a liquid fast. Other than water, the liquids used have high nutritional value and are easy to digest and assimilate. In all cases of liquid fasting, the intestinal tract is relieved of the "bulk" of foodstuffs, the fiber and indigestible components.

Some contend that nutrition is not necessary during a fast as man is safeguarded from starvation by being endowed with a full month's nutritional reserves in his tissues; therefore water is sufficient for liquid fasting. Others believe that a little nutrition will aid in the body's healing processes as well as ease the faster's discomfort, as it lessens the level and speed of detox.

It's up to you whether you feel drawn to the purity of a water-fast or feel more comfortable with the modicum of nutritional support offered by the other methods of liquid fasting.

Water Fasting
Purists insist water fasting is the only true therapeutic fast, which delivers the maximum self-healing benefits, provides the greatest rest for the digestive organs, and preserves muscle even while losing weight. It is believed that the historical figures (such as Hippocrates) who promoted fasting as healing therapy were referring solely to water fasting.

While it does deliver the strongest therapeutic effect, allowing for the healing of many conditions, it can be more difficult to perform, and some lean muscle can be sacrificed.

Water fasting is, of course, the most intimidating fast to consider, but not if you approach it in small steps. You can work toward a water-fast by starting with a few one day easier fasts, such as juice or fruit.

Master Cleanse or Lemonade Diet

The Master Cleanse is a system of liquid fasting utilizing lemon for cleansing and maple syrup for nutritional support, both mixed in with a glass of water.

There is a large following for this type of fast, many who consistently do a 10-day fast every year. But the Master Cleanse can be utilized for shorter fasts as well, and is considered fairly comfortable to perform.

Broth Fast

We are all are probably familiar with a broth fast from our childhood, especially when we had the flu and our mother would bring a mug of hot broth. That was indeed broth-fasting.

You can fast on animal or vegetable broths, although it will usually require you make your own broth. Commercially available broths don't have the nutritional levels appropriate for fasting, being full of salt and usually MSG and a host of other chemicals. On the other hand, a homemade broth can be highly nutritious, full of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes.

Bone broths are extremely nutritious, high in minerals and rich in collagen. Adding an acid, like vinegar, during preparation will help draw out the minerals, particularly calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

To make a bone broth: start with the highest quality bones available, preferably organically-raised and hormone-free animals. Add 2-4 tablespoons vinegar (depending on how large a batch you're making), any vegetables you want to add, and water to cover. Let this sit for 30 minutes to an hour, then bring to a boil and remove any scum that appears on the surface. Continue to simmer anywhere from 4-24 hours, the longer the simmer, the more nutrients will be drawn out of the bones.

To make a vegetable broth: use any organically-grown vegetables you want, cover with water, and simmer 30-40 minutes. Because of their extremely high nutritional content, be sure to add some dark leafy greens to the mix. Strain the broth, saving the vegetables for another time.

Liquid fasting on these properly prepared broths can be both nourishing and hydrating, as well as warming.

Juice Fasting
A popular choice is liquid fasting with fruit and/or vegetables juices. Any fresh, raw, preferably organic, fruit or vegetable can be juiced, although one must be careful not to begin a "juice feast". Appropriate small quantities should be consumed.

The raw juices are very concentrated nutritionally and should be diluted with water before drinking. To further aid in digestion, swish each mouthful to thoroughly mix with saliva before swallowing. This begins the process of pre-digestion.

Oranges and grapefruits are the easiest to juice as they don't require an expensive juicer. Citrus juicers are small and quite affordable. But be forewarned, some citrus available in local grocery stores (unless you live in tropical climes) don't make very tasty juice.

Milk Fasting with raw milk or cultured milk products
The milk fast, or milk diet, is utilized in homeopathic, naturopathic, and traditional yogic practices. It is often recommended for digestive disorders in these therapeutic practices as it is considered cleansing to all the digestive tissues.

Compared to other liquid fasting choices, milk provides a lot more nutritive value and can be a very comfortable fast to perform. Don't think that it won't detox your system, because it can and it will.

While milk is known to be mucus-forming and those with mucus-related problems shouldn't do a milk fast, let's not forget that mucus is a natural and necessary component in a healthy body, and that fasting is a short-term practice. Also, it has been theorized that it is only pasteurized (cooked) milk that causes extra mucus because of all the toxins created in the process.

Only raw milk or cultured milk products are suggested for milk fasting. Pasteurization destroys the naturally occurring enzymes and probiotics that aid in the digestion of the lactose inherent in milk. It also alters protein chains and reduces vitamin content.

Milk in its whole and unadulterated state is a complete food; it is highly nutritious and easily assimilated. Cultured milk products, such as yogurt and kefir, have in effect, predigested the lactose into lactic acid. Even lactose-intolerant individuals can usually handle these products. Additionally, yogurt and kefir are full of beneficial bacteria (probiotics), thus have become favorites for milk fasting.

For liquid fasting on yogurt or kefir, it is best to make your own. Best of all is making these cultures from raw milk. But starting with raw milk isn't absolutely necessary as store-bought milk devoid of its natural enzymes will be full of healthful enzymes from the work of the cultures by the time it's done. You can take what some are calling a "dead food" (pasteurized milk) and revitalize it into a health-promoting food or drink.

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