Smoking and Adult Periodontitis

If you are a smoker, you are at a higher risk for not only lung and circulatory problems but oral disease as well. Smoking causes cell death and may be responsible for more than 50% of cases of adult periodontics. It has been reported that more than 85% or all periodontal cases are present in people who spoke. And, more than 90% of gum infections that appear to be resistant to treatment (refractory gum disease) are found among smokers. Smokers are 2.6 to 6 times more likely to have periodontal disease. Former smokers are more likely to have periodontal disease. A person who smokes will not heal as well and does not respond as well to periodontal therapy as does a nonsmoker.

Thousands of chemicals are released during smoking, which causes a profound effect on the immune system that is responsible for helping us ward off infections. And since we now know that periodontal disease is an infection, it is easy to make the connection. Many smokers show few areas of bleeding during a periodontal charting because one of the effects of smoking is reduced circulation.

If you are reading this, you are most likely a smoker who has periodontal disease. Many smokers would like to stop this habit. Quitting is not as difficult as you may imagine. The thought of it is probably the most difficult aspect. There really are many aids today to help is to make that leap to a healthy decision about our dental and general well-being. Our office can be a great source for some suggestions to help you stop smoking. If you would like us to make suggestions for a healthier lifestyle, do not hesitate to ask!

If you have any questions, please give us a call @ 512-250-5012. 

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