DHS Whistleblower: Obama More Concerned with Protecting the Rights of Islamists Than Protecting the American People

December 16, 2015
PJ Media

Philip Haney, the Homeland Security whistleblower whose investigation into Islamic infiltration of the U.S. might have prevented the San Bernardino attack, has written an important op-ed for The Hill, warning of President Obama's misplaced priorities when it comes to national security. In brief, says Haney, "the Obama administration is more concerned with the rights of non-citizens in known Islamist groups than with the safety and security of the American people."

There are terrorists in our midst and they arrived here using legal means right under the noses of the federal law enforcement agencies whose mission is to stop them. That is not due to malfeasance or lack of effort on the part of these officers; it is due to the restrictions placed on them by the Obama administration.
Not only did the Obama administration shut down an important investigation that could have connected enough dots to prevent the San Bernardino terrorist attack, they went back and erased the dots Haney was "diligently connecting." Worse yet, when he complained to the DHS inspector general, the DHS and the Department of Justice subjected him "to a series of investigations and adverse actions, including one by that same inspector general."

None of them showed any wrongdoing; they seemed aimed at stopping me from blowing the whistle on this problem.

Haney finally retired from government earlier this year, and is now taking his story to the American people.

Unfortunately, the Obama administration's "Countering Violent Extremism" (CVE) doctrine is designed to shield Islam and Muslims from most scrutiny, while encouraging crackdowns on domestic “right-wing extremists.”

The “behavioral indicators” listed to help DHS agents identify potential domestic terrorists include carrying around a copy of the Constitution, promoting First and Second Amendment rights, having a Gadsden flag sticker on one’s car, and advocating for a minimal federal government.

CVE is thus designed to serve a dual purpose: (1) to protect Muslim Brotherhood organizations and their operatives who have penetrated federal, state, and local governments, and (2) to help the Obama administration crack down on its real enemies, domestic conservatives who want to re-establish constitutional governance.

Stephen Coughlin, a former intelligence contractor at the Pentagon, whose specialty was "Islamic doctrine as it applies to 'Jihad' and the strategic objectives of our enemy," says that the scrubbing of the word “Islam” from all government discourse was a long process that started at the end of the Bush years and accelerated under Obama. Coughlin recently gave a detailed explanation of the dangerous CVE deception on the internet TV show The Glazov Gang.

"I actually believe there is a deep, deep strategic initiative behind it, and where we are doing 'countering violent extremism,' we are not doing counter-terrorism," Coughlin says. "As it relates to the United States, the CVE was established and set up at DHS with the assistance of the Muslim Brotherhood."

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