Lindsey Graham is now the King-Maker in South Carolina

By Drew Smith
December 21, 2015
The Unobserved News

The Third Primary in South Carolina is where all roads cross and come to a stand still in the GOP race.

Iowa has a very strong base that plays perfectly to Ted Cruz's strength and ability.  

Once Cruz finishes off Trump in Iowa, Trump will throw EVERYTHING AND ALL HIS RESOURCES BEHIND CRUZ.  

Trump does not want to Govern, he just wants the power and all the money he will bring in from the charade.

He does not want to Right the Ship of our chaotic and laughable government right now -- hell, not even our current President wants too.

Cruz Rolls Iowa -- however, it will be very close and it will not be Trump -- It will be the noise that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is making in New Hampshire that attract a considerable portion of the Cruz vote that will narrow the gap, so to speak.

Nobody can beat Christie in Hampshire.  Plan and simple.  Independents get to vote for Republicans, and Christie has the Bi-Partisan credentials that Cruz will never have.

Rubio will make his final stand in South Carolina and Super Tuesday in Florida.

He had a good chance, but Cruz has a top notch campaign team that inevitably will lead to Rubio to fall out after Super Tuesday.

That is not to say Cruz will win South Carolina, but Rubio will throw most of his assets into the state.  
Governor Bush could pull off a win in South Carolina to get back on track (if he can finish in the top 3 in New Hampshire). Hes got more cash and momentum than anyone all the other candidates combined (Super PAC's) if that is the case.  

If Bush takes SC, Rubio is out.  Bush will stay in if he loses and puts up a strong effort, because he can still have a shot with his war chest. 

However, you can call game, set, and match if Christie wins New Hampshire.  

Senator Lindsey Graham, by virtue of his grassroot connections and power, as well as the Foreign Policy leader that everyone will covet as a V.P., is in a great place now.  

So, here is how it plays out -- 

The tired notion of winning Iowa and getting the upper-hand, quickly disposing of other candidates and on track for the White House is nonsense.  

New Hampshire is the true battle ground.

As recent news outlets and media have indicated, Governor Christie has NO ground support or a plan in South Carolina whatsoever.

Governor Haley and Demint are powerless, because security and foreign policy WILL DRIVE THIS ENTIRE ELECTORAL PROCESS.

Senator Graham has a healthy respect for the Governor, I believe above everyone else.  Trump, Carson, and Rubio really make his blood boil...

Christie can pull this off, and its not a joke.  

He just needs the right man in South Carolina to support him (this would include Senator McCain throwing his support behind Christie as well) -- and luckily he has a future Vice President (or a place High up in his Presidential cabinet ) for delivering this victory to Christie.

If Christie wins New Hampshire and South Carolina -- you get to meet the the GOP Nominee for President of the United States.

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