One Brooklyn School Finds Out That Banning Thanksgiving, Santa and the Pledge Is a Bad Idea

December 19, 2015
PJ Media

Public schools have misguided priorities these days. They have gone from teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic to teaching kids how to be secular. One principal at a Brooklyn school decided it would be a good idea to ban Thanksgiving, Santa, and the Pledge of Allegiance from her school.

Principal Eujin Jaela Kim's goal, according to a letter written by assistant principal Jose Chaparro, was to "be sensitive of the diversity of our families. Not all children celebrate the same holidays." According to a source, Kim told staff, “Do not celebrate Christmas, do not celebrate gift-gifting, do not celebrate Santa. We need to be respectful.... Christmas is a Christian celebration and something that is tied to religion."

PTA president Mimi Ferrrer told the NY Post, "We definitely can't say Christmas, nothing with Christmas on it, nothing with Santa. No angels. We can't even have a star because it can represent a religious system, like the Star of David."

Kim didn't stop at the war on Christmas either. She has painted over historic murals in the auditorium to install flat screen TVs, and has made changes to the curriculum. Kim's blatant disdain for religion is in direct contrast to the New York City Department of Education's standards that allow symbolic holiday references including Christmas trees, Hanukkah menorahs, the Islamic star-and-crescent, and kinaras for Kwanzaa.

Yes, political correctness strikes again, but luckily the backlash the district received prompted them to reverse Kim's ban. Santa Claus is back, and the Pledge of Allegiance has been reinstated. Good for them! We would give this district an A+.

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