Train to Improve Your Game: Tennis and Golf
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Posted: 11 Dec 2015 05:30 AM PST
Both tennis and golf involve a lot of rotational movement, especially at the shoulder joint and through the torso. Complex movement patterns place a lot of strain on the stabilizing muscles of the body. In order to prevent unnecessary injury and gain strength to improve your performance, focus some extra attention on some of the key muscle groups that are involved in game play.
Related Article: How to Achieve Better Gym Performance The shoulder is made up of a group of four muscles called the rotator cuff. This muscle group stabilizes the shoulder and allows it to move. These muscles needs to be worked using light resistance and stretched often to avoid common overuse injuries. Consider adding in a few of these shoulder-stabilizing exercises to your current routine: Side-Lying External Rotation
Lawn Mower Pull
Your core is considered the powerhouse in sports such as tennis and golf. Both require rotational movement so adding specific exercises to strengthen the lower back and core can really boost your performance. Here are four exercises that you can add to your current routine to work your core and back: Core Focus Obliques The muscles at the side of your waist are called the internal and external obliques. They run in a diagonal line along the flank of your body and they are attached to the midline beneath the rectus abdominals. These muscles are important for stability, especially for movements that involve lateral (sideways) movements. To activate these muscles, you will need to perform exercises that involve side bending or twisting. My favorite exercise for working my obliques is: Bicycle Abdominal Crunch
Core Focus QL The Quadratus lumborum is a deep, stabilizing muscle that connects the upper and lower body. It runs almost vertically from the lower ribs to the pelvic crest. It is an important muscle for stabilizing the hips and spine, and it also works with the diaphragm to allow deep breathing. This muscle is worked with side bending or twisting movements and is also activated while doing most movements while sitting down and walking. My favorite exercise to strengthen this muscle is: Side Plank
Back Focus Stretching Perform a standing hamstring stretch to help loosen up your hamstring muscles, as this can provide relief from tight lower back muscles.
Back Focus Strength Performing a lower back strengthening exercise, like a Superman Hold, after doing an abdominal focused routine will help to keep your core balanced. This exercise engages the muscles in the whole posterior chain, including butt and hamstrings.
When you play sports as part of your healthy, active lifestyle plan, it helps to keep you accountable to your workout routine and improve your overall sense of wellbeing. Challenge yourself each week to learn new exercises that help you to improve your game. Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is Sr. Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.
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