Exercises Found to Accelerate Aging

Chronic Cardio Ages Your Faster

Popular Exercises Found to Accelerate Aging & Cause Weight-Gain For Men Over 40

Surprisingly, not all exercises are good for you. In fact, recent studies have discovered that exercises once considered to be an effective way to trim belly fat, get lean & fit and look younger... have now been shown to cause middle-age belly fat, loss of lean toned muscle and inflammation that causes you to age faster.

Did you know that after the age of 35 your body hormonally changes and you start to gain weight easier… especially around your stomach area? Not only that, you also begin to lose lean muscle tone, making you weaker and flabbier?
And did you know that doing MORE only makes things worse?  By that I mean exercising more than you are now and being even more strict with your diet… only adds to your frustrations!
The reason for all this can be blamed on your diminishing levels of youth-enhancing hormones… particularly growth hormones.  And unfortunately it’s largely a natural process that occurs as you age.
A gradual and progressive hormonal decline that usually begins around middle age and continues insidiously for the rest of your life, which is why it’s sometimes referred to as the “middle-age spread”.
And some of the most annoying symptoms of the middle-age spread is an increase in belly fat and the loss of lean muscle tone that results in a dumpy, shapeless middle-age body.  It’s no coincidence that most people over 40 stop wearing form fitting clothes. 
And to top it off, it doesn’t help that life gets busier as you get older as well.  Between family and work, most people don’t have time to do anything else, let alone take care of themselves.  An over worked and over stressed life is another big culprit that adds even more pounds to your already compromised aging body.
Now you may not be able to stop aging …yet, but you CAN slow the aging process and actually REVERSE the effects of the middle-age spread.  And I’m not talking about having to take anti-aging pills or hormone supplements.  Nope.  It’s much safer and more effective.
Research has discovered that your body has the ability to re-stimulate lagging youth-enhancing hormones naturally.
And it all begins with these 3 key principles you must apply in order to regain control of your body’s accelerated aging process and stop the middle-age spread dead in it’s tracks. 
Now I need to warn you… what you’re about to read is probably going to go against all of the exercise and diet advice you’ve been told, but that’s because very few people actually know how to effectively re-activate hormones responsible for stopping and reversing the effects of the middle-age spread. 

These next steps will reveal the 3 things you MUST AVOID if you want to burn off unwanted age-related stomach fat, regain lost muscle tone and get your lean, fit and youthful body back.

1. LONG Cardio

Chronic Cardio ages you faster

“Chronic cardio” increases belly fat and speeds aging.

Too many people think that cardio is the answer to everything related to weight-loss and fat-loss.  But current studies prove otherwise… doing conventional long cardio overtaxes your body and increases the production of stress hormone “cortisol”, which causes you to gain belly fat.
Studies have also found that doing long frequent cardio sessions break down your lean muscles and increase the production of free radicals.  Free radicals are nasty little molecules that damage cells in your body and cause chronic inflammation that accelerates aging and lead to serious diseases.
So if you’ve been pounding away on a treadmill, cranking away on a stationary bike or slaving away on some other cardio machine… you need to STOP.  There’s a much better way….
lack of sleep can cause your stress hormone to overproduce

Lack of sleep causes stubborn middle-age belly fat

As you get older and busier, getting enough sleep becomes a BIG issue.  Although your body is resilient and can handle a lot of stress, there’s one thing it can NOT cope well without… and that’s sleep.
In fact, when you’re sleep deprived your body becomes overwhelmed with stress hormone “cortisol”, which loves to deposit fat in and around your belly. 
And unfortunately, you can’t exercise or diet your way to a flat stomach, if cortisol is the cause of your problem.  You need to get quality sleep… period.
Here are 2 simple steps you can take to get better sleep starting tonight…
  1. Get some room-darkening shades or put a dark blanket up over your windows—especially if you live in the city!  This will ensure that you maximize melatonin (sleep hormone) production to improve the quality of sleep.
  2. Try to fall asleep between 10:30 and 11:00 pm.  Your melatonin (sleep hormone) levels peak during that small window of time, which means it’s you best chance of falling asleep faster.  It’s also the most effective way to get into deep REM sleep, giving you a much better quality of sleep.
Try these simple effective tips to help you get better sleep tonight, so you can restore normal cortisol levels in your body and start burning of your stubborn belly fat once and for all.

3. AB Exercises

Sit ups DO NOT get rid of stomach fat

Sit-ups and crunches DO NOT effectively reduce your belly fat.

If you want to get rid of those pesky age-related stomach weight, you have to get to the source of the problem.
Unfortunately, doing ab-targeted exercises like sit ups, crunches and side bends will do absolutely nothing to help you get rid of your ab flab, because it’s not getting at the heart of the problem.
In fact, doing excessive ab-targeted moves can injure to your low back by causing unnecessary stress on your spine.  This may come as a surprise but the purpose of your ab muscles is to PREVENT excessive bending and twisting.
Bottom line… don’t waste your time doing typical ab exercises
The cause of fat accumulation in your stomach area is due to hormonal changes in your body that occur as you get older.  That means you have to stimulate the right biochemical processes in your body to trigger the youth-enhancing hormones that enable you to burn off your stubborn belly fat.  

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