The 8 most important moments of the Democratic debate

By Kyle Cheney
February 11, 2016

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton met on a Democratic debate stage in Wisconsin on completely different trajectories. Sanders, two days removed from a dominant win in the New Hampshire primary, has been oozing confidence and raking in donations. Clinton, on the other hand, is presiding over a sprawling but shaken campaign operation searching for a rebound in Nevada or South Carolina.

The debate is a chance for Clinton to try and reclaim momentum. For Sanders, the aim is to make inroads with minority voters who have so far strongly preferred Clinton and could make the difference in the next two contests. Here are the most significant moments from tonight's debate:

1. Sanders swings first

When Clinton began describing what she would do as president, particularly on the size of federal government, Sanders moved quickly to interrupt her attempt to present herself as an incumbent.

"Secretary Clinton, you’re not in the White House yet," he said sharply.

It was only the beginning of Sanders' more aggressive approach in this forum while Clinton aimed over and again to show little ideological distance between herself and her rival.

2. Children crossing the border

One of the sharpest exchanges of the debate came amid a discussion about the thousands of central American children that poured over the border in 2014. The issue led to a fierce debate about whether the children should be returned home or allowed to remain in the United States.

"I thought it was a good idea to allow those children to stay in this country. That was not, I understand, the secretary’s position," Sanders said.

Clinton said she fought to ensure children who arrived here were "processed appropriately" but she wanted to "send a message to families and communities" not to send their children on dangerous journeys to America.

"I don’t know to whom you’re sending a message. Who are you sending a message to?" Sanders shot back. "These are children who are leaving countries and neighborhoods."

3. Sanders sees history in his candidacy, too

Asked about a bid to potentially stand in the way of the first woman to become president, Sanders argued that his election would be a first on its own.

"Somebody with my background, somebody with my views," he said, adding, "I think a Sanders victory would be of some historical accomplishment as well."

Sanders didn't explain what, exactly, in his background would be unique. He would be the first Jewish president - and the first self-identified socialist.

4. Kissinger makes a debate cameo

Testing new and more detailed critiques on Clinton's foreign policy cred -- beyond his familiar hits on her vote to authorize the war in Iraq in 2002 -- Sanders delivered a scalding rejection of Henry Kissinger, the secretary of state who helped craft Richard Nixon's approach to Asia, and someone who Clinton has bragged about taking advice from.

“I happen to believe that Henry Kissinger was one of the most destructive secretaries of state in the modern history of this country," Sanders said. "I am proud to say that Henry Kissinger is not my friend. I will not take advice from Kissinger."

Sanders argued that the former secretary of state, was responsible for a disastrous foreign policy that led to the rise of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and the deaths of millions of people.

Clinton noted ongoing questions about from who, exactly, Sanders does receive advice on foreign affairs. "Well I know journalists have asked who you do listen to on foreign policy, and we have yet to know who that is," she said.

"Well, it ain't Henry Kissinger, that's for sure," he answered.

5. The Obama primary

Clinton delivered her most forceful argument yet that Sanders has been overly critical of Barack Obama, referencing his recent decision to write a blurb for a book about Obama's failures in the eyes of progressives. She called his swipes at Obama something she expects from Republicans, not someone seeking the Democratic nomination for president.

Sanders shot back, calling it a "low blow" and argued he's long supported Obama even though they've had disagreements. Clinton again responded that Sanders' critiques were harsher than simple policy differences, from calling him "weak" to calling him "a disappointment."

Sanders got the last word. "One of us ran against Barack Obama. I was not that candidate."

6. Clinton answers Iraq charge with bin Laden advice

When Sanders uncorked a familiar hit on Clinton for her Iraq War vote, she quickly shot back that she made a far more recent foreign policy judgment with better results.

"That was the very difficult decision as to whether or not to advise the president to go after bin Laden," she said. "I recommended he go forward."

Clinton nicked Sanders for repeatedly citing her Iraq vote.

"I do not believe that a vote in 2002 is a plan to defeat ISIS in 2016," she said.

7. Sanders breaks with Ted Kennedy on immigration

In the protracted debate on immigration, Clinton dinged Sanders for opposing Ted Kennedy's comprehensive immigration reform bill. Sanders heaped praise on Kennedy but said he broke with his ally because it enshrined guest worker programs that Latino advocacy groups said were "akin to slavery."

"I don’t apologize for that vote," he said.

8. Clinton plays to the home crowd

In a critique of Sanders' ambitious -- and expensive -- policy proposals, Clinton noted that many would require buy-in from state. And, she said, "Governors like Scott Walker" likely wouldn't play along.

"I’m a little skeptical of your governor ," she said.

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