Virtual World; The Reality of the Future

The goal of computing and the massive acquisition of data is to drive the future of the virtual world as a realistic society and the environment.  #Virtual reality was introduced in the US #military for training the pilots using simulations before they can fly real jets during the 1960s. As a lucrative innovation, virtual reality games are becoming more realistic and also in #realtime activities.  Many online virtual games today are being participated by players all around the world.  Though the concept is still in the arena of virtual games, we can also observe the progress of virtual games because the virtual activities such as the virtual game Olympics are already popular around the world that involves huge amount of money for business.  In like manner, other areas of society are also using the technology advancement of virtual world communication using their avatars and online money to be converted to real money later.  Online money such as #bitcoin are a hot issue and discussion from last 3 years ago up to the present.  Many civil and legal requisites are not yet considering the existence of bitcoin in the money market.  

But sooner or later, human interaction will be all done virtually that you cannot see people walking around the streets and buying daily commodities in convenient stores but rather people are busy surviving and interacting their life virtually.   Another consideration that many scientist are experimenting is the virtual civilization and #tourism.  The idea that people with same interest and believes in life can go together virtually and make their own city and civilization.  Later in the future our physical body may unite with the virtual environment requiring a huge amount of atomic energy that can transport our physically body to the virtual reality.  Moreover, people from other virtual communities can visit other virtual spaces for virtual tourism.  The power of the computer will surpass the power of the human brain in the future considering the huge input of data since the emergence of computing technology.  In like manner, data scientist of today are always discussing the relevance of the internet of things which will allow all the high technology equipments that we use everyday to jive its purpose and commands right to your personal smartphones.  

The emergence of smart houses today are the fundamental concepts for the virtual world to come when logic driven technology information will be used to interact virtually.  It has been predicted by the majority of the scientist of today that if Moore’s Law is still true after fifty years then the intelligence and power of the internet will surpass the human intelligence later.  As we can observe today, computer board games such as chess is being programmed by scientist and let the human champion of the century play with the computer.  Maybe today computer intelligence can be surpassed by the human intelligence but in the future the reasoning of robots are more relevant than humans of today.  If this is the case what are we going to do in the future if the robots will work and finish our daily task?  Do you think human intelligence and power will be useless and computer intelligence will be the new god of intelligence to rule humanity? 


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