The Differences Between Snow Peas, Snap Peas, and Garden Peas
The Differences Between Snow Peas, Snap Peas, and Garden Peas
Snow Peas
Snow peas are also known as Chinese pea pods since they are often used in stir-fries. They are flat with very small peas inside, and the whole pod is edible although the tough "strings" along the edges are usually removed before eating. Snow peas are mildly flavored and can be served raw or cooked. the legume family, but there are subtle differences between the three.
Snap Peas
Snap Peas
Garden Peas
Garden peas are also sometimes called sweet peas or English peas. The pods are firm and rounded, and the round peas inside need to removed, or shelled, before eating (the pods are not edible and need to be discarded). The peas are sweet and and may be eaten raw or cooked, and these are the common peas that are sold shelled and frozen or canned. Peas get starchy and mealy as they get larger or if they are not cooked quickly after they are picked.
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