What is your stress score?

How many of the following life crises have you experienced in the last six months?
Add up your score on this events table to find out how much “Stress Cushioning” you need.

Death of a spouse          100
Divorce          73
Marital Separation          65
Jail sentence          63
Death of a close family member          63
Personal Injury or Illness          53
Marriage          50
Losing a Job          47
Marital reconciliation          45
Retirement          45
Change in health of a family member          44
Pregnancy          40
Sex Difficulties          39
Gain of a new family member          39
Business Readjustment          39
Change in financial state          38
Death of a close friend          37
Change to a different line of work          36
More or fewer arguments with spouse          35
High mortgage or loan          31
Foreclosure of loan          30
Change in responsibilities at work          29
Son or daughter leaving home          29
Trouble with inlaws          29
Outstanding personal achievement          28
Spouse beginning or stopping work          26
Beginning or ending school or college          26
Change in living conditions          25
Change in personal habits          24
Trouble with the boss          23
Change in work hours or conditions          20
Change in residence          20
Change in school or college          20
Change in recreation          19
Change in religious activities          19
Change in social activities          18
Moderate mortgage or loan          17
Change in sleeping habits          16
More or fewer family get togethers          15
Change in eating habits          15
Vacation          13
Festivals          12
Minor violation of law          11
Results: Add up your score. 

100 and Over: 
Your stress level has reached worrying proportions. 
You must change some aspect of your life to try to reduce the score. 

80 – 100:
You are over stressed and your score is reaching the critical area. Learn to relax. 

You are under average amount of stress

59 or below:
You are enjoying a particularly stress free time. Make the most of it.


Source: Readers Digest

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