Is your child getting hyperactive due to eating sweet goodies?

You must have seen children at birthday parties arriving as gentle, polite humans and transform into uncontrollable little devils after the goodies are eaten. 

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The general belief is that giving too much sugar to children in the form of sweets, candies, colas and cakes makes them hyperactive. It is partly true. 

What happens to a child when sugar is consumed? The sugar is processed soon and enters the bloodstream. This causes a surge in blood sugar followed by a slump which makes the child tired and sluggish, therefore cranky. 

To avoid this to happen, the parent has to control portion sizes of cookies and cake or dilute the fruit juice. Craving more can be curbed by giving nuts, cheese, vegetable sticks or something healthier. 

Giving sweets occasionally say once a week is a good goal. The biscuits and fruit juices in the lunch box can be replaced with healthier options like Sundal, Paneer Frankies or Cheese toast on wheat bread. There are so many healthy options and myriad ways to make food look attractive for kids to take interest and eat. 

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