Ageless Beauty: How to Look Your Best at Every Age

Discover Good Nutrition, Fitness & Beauty

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 12:30 PM PDT

Skin care is important even in your 20s and 30s.

Skin changes as the years go by – and your skin care routine should change with it! Here are my favorite tips to help you look your best at every age.

Let's face the music: aging is inevitable!

No matter how much we try to convince ourselves otherwise, the clock is going to keep on ticking and our skin is going to age. But this isn't necessarily a bad thing – and you can practice healthy skin care habits that will keep you looking your best no matter what your age.

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We all know that our skin changes as we age, but what's exactly happening? The skin is a remarkable organ; its ability to regenerate itself really is a wonder. New cells are constantly forming, but cells regenerate at a slower pace as we get older. Because of this, you may notice your skin texture changing over the decades. Skin becomes thinner as the years go by, and you may see more age spots. These are actually areas of hyper-pigmentation caused by UV rays – another reason why it's so critical to wear sunscreen at every age!

Our skin also loses some of its natural elasticity as the years go by, leading to sagging and wrinkles. Compounding the problem is the loss of lipids (fatty acids) over time, which are responsible for keeping skin moisturized – meaning your moisture needs will change over time.

We have to face it: our skin care needs are going to change as we age. What worked for you in your 20s is probably not going to be as effective after a decade or two! On the other hand, we're so inundated with "anti-aging" products that it's easy to get ahead of ourselves when it comes to developing an effective skin care routine. Whether you're 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, or beyond, it's important to choose a regimen and products that are appropriate for your age and skin type. Here's some of my favorite beauty advice for beautiful skin at every age:

Skincare in your 20s:

If you haven't already started a beauty regimen, now's the time! It's important to get into a habit of developing a good skin care routine early on because it will help you look your best for years.
You may be seeing changes to your skin since you're coming out of your teenage years and your hormones may be changing. Your skin will continue to adjust throughout your 20s, so take some time to figure out what your skin type is and choose your beauty regimen accordingly.
Some simple lifestyle changes can help, too. Late nights out and too much time in the sun can affect the appearance of your skin. Start wearing sunscreen daily if you don't already do so, because this will help your skin remain elastic and supple. And while it's tempting to stay out late socializing, try to limit your late nights so you can look your best during the day.

Skincare in your 30s:

This is when you may start noticing the signs of aging. Your skin starts to lose collagen and elastin and a few fine lines might make their debut on your face. You may need to change your beauty regimen to include more moisturizing products.

It's common to start seeing signs of aging around your eyes, too. This is the decade when you should consider adding an extra step in your beauty regimen to focus specifically on the skin around your eyes.
Want a quick tip to avoid encroaching laughter lines? Wear big sunglasses! The bigger, the better in my book. If you choose shades with UVA and UVB protection then you'll be keeping more of your face covered and protected from the sun. And, the best thing about shades is that they reduce the likelihood of squinting. Squinting is not a good look, so throw on some shades when you're outdoors or driving and you could delay eye wrinkles. (By the way, isn't 'laughter lines' a much nicer phrase than 'crow's feet'?)

Skincare in your 40s:

In your 40s, uneven skin tone is one of the most common complaints women have. This can be caused by too many hours in the sun with resulting age spots (so keep up your sunscreen routine!). It can also be a throwback to pregnancy which leaves some women with melisma (also known as the mask of pregnancy).
Other hormonal changes during this decade and the possible onset of menopause could leave you wondering where your youthful skin went. At this time, it's best to visit your dermatologist for suggestions and possible treatments for your changing skin that will help you look and feel your best.
Many women in their forties feel confident that they have their skincare regimen nailed down so it's a pain to realize that you may have to adapt and evolve. Happily enough, small changes do add up so you may need only a few tweaks to regain control of your skin.

Skincare in your 50s – and beyond:

A crucial element to skincare as you age is moisturizing! By the time you hit your 50s, skin is losing its elasticity and you may start to see sagging. Though you can't turn back the clock, you can keep your skin (and yourself) hydrated!

Written by beauty expert, Jacquie Carter. Jacquie is Director of Outer Nutrition at Herbalife.

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Burn Fat Faster: 5 Efficient Ways

Posted: 02 Sep 2016 05:30 AM PDT

Endurance training can help you burn fat.

Our bodies tend to naturally burn fat as a fuel source, but have you ever wondered if you can train your body to burn fat more efficiently? Today, I'm going to give you a few tips on how you can better train your body to burn fat!

Today, I want to share some great ways you can help your body become a better fat burning machine! So often in our busy lives, we want to hear about the quick fixes or shortcuts to achieving our health and fitness goals. But sometimes, taking a little extra time and planning your fitness routine in advance can get you better results and help you burn fat faster.

RELATED ARTICLE: Body Fat and Heart Health: A Reflection of Your Lifestyle

As a speed-based athlete, I was never a fan of any type of endurance style training. The idea of walking or running for more than 60 minutes sounded like torture. After having my children, however, I realized that the occasional extended workout had great benefits. It was not only great for my waistline, it was also great for my mind, too. Now I can honestly say that I look forward to my longer training days. I have my music playlist ready and I truly enjoy my alone time running on the long trails. My cardiovascular fitness level has dramatically improved since I've started my endurance training and I feel the benefits in my shorter sessions, too.

There are so many ways that you can burn fat, lose weight and tone up. It just takes the willingness to break out of your comfort zone and add a few of my tips into your week!

Make Time for Endurance Training

Try to make time for long cardio workout sessions at least once a week. Running, walking or cycling at a comfortable pace for an extended period of time is a great way to ensure that your body is burning fat. Your body uses fat as its fuel source for the majority of your long workouts. Once you start pushing yourself and increase your intensity level, your body will tend to burn stored carbohydrate for energy. Try to stay at about a 6/10 intensity level. I believe that spending 60-90 minutes focusing on yourself each week is also healthy for your emotional well-being.

Do Some Interval Training

I am a huge fan of interval training because of the post-workout fat burning effects. During a high-intensity interval workout, your body is using carbohydrate as a fuel source, but the recovery process will burn fat. Interval style training takes less time than steady state training and you can get incredible fat burning results from doing just a 30-minute workout. Try to train in this style two days per week.

Strength Training

Building lean muscle mass will help you burn more calories even while resting. It takes more calories for your body to sustain lean muscle mass than it does to sustain fat, which means building muscle makes you a better fat burner long term. A strength-based workout also pushes your body to recover; therefore you get double the benefits, and will burn fat long after you leave the gym!

Replenish Well

The fuel that you choose has a direct effect on the results you will get from your body. Focus on ensuring you have a good balance of carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein every day. Pay special attention to consuming protein within 30 minutes of your workout, especially on your long workout day. Also, be sure that you have a small amount of carbohydrate after your workout to help restore your body's muscle glycogen.

Get Some Rest

During rest, your body adapts to the demands that you place on it. If you're working hard five days a week, using two days to allow your body to recover and regenerate is a good idea.

There are so many ways that you can push your body to adapt and improve. I feel that being balanced with your exercise routine and your personal nutrition is the perfect plan to become a more efficient calorie and fat burner long term. Consistency is one of the keys to success, so dedicate five days of the week to being active and exercising. If five days a week isn't possible because you have a busy schedule or you're new to fitness, remember my favorite saying: "Doing something will always get you better results than doing nothing at all!"

Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.

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