Causes of Blood Flow Obstruction in your body

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Our body is made up of a big complex network of fibers where blood flows, carrying oxygen to different parts of the body, starting from large arteries to small capillaries. Our life depends on the ability of the blood to carry oxygen. Without the proper functioning of blood vessels, sustenance of life would be impossible.


In contrary to popular belief, the heart is not the only region where blood flow can get obstructed. It can happen in any part of the body including the brain. These obstructions are known as a thrombus. Particles like cholesterol and plaque get deposited in a certain region and cause resistance to blood flow. Blood flow obstruction can cause various complications based on the area they are present.

· A heart blockage can cause shortness of breath, fatigue, and dizziness.

· Blocks in the legs are difficult to identify because they do not show many symptoms, although, a person with blocks in the legs might experience fatigue and get tired very easily and leg cramps occasionally.

· Blocks in the Kidneys are quite painful in the later stage as they cause severe pain in the lower back and the urine colour might change. Complete blockage of both kidneys leads to the stoppage of urine formation and complete kidney shut down.

The blood needs to travel quickly carrying oxyhemoglobin to the organs and deoxyhemoglobin back to the lungs. This should happen every time during inspiration and expiration and all this happens in a fraction of a second. If the blood flow is obstructed, the body functions get impaired.

· Generally, the blood flow is obstructed due to external factors like calcium deposition, plaque formation or the presence of dead cells that precipitate near the walls. All these are credited to improper diet and lack of exercise.

· In certain cases, the blood vessels might get enlarged due to blood disorders, causing more resistance to flow. This does not require the presence of any external factors, and mild blood thinners may be used to make the blood flow more smooth.


As always, a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you go a long way in prevention of these blocks. If the blocks become too large and block the entire artery or vein, then a bypass surgery will be crucial for proper functioning of the body. Certain drugs and blood thinners may also be used to remove the external depositions and make the blood flow easier respectively. Smoking is also a major cause for blocks in the system, so obviously if you quit smoking, the overall health of your organs will improve. Apart from this, moderating alcohol intake will also help you out.

Be responsible and live a strong and healthy life. 

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