Natural Acne Daytime Facial Routine

Hey hey hey babe! So about a month ago in the PinkLux Babes Facebook group (if you haven't joined head over it's free $0.99)  we chatted up about skincare and taking care of your skin in the live broadcast. You expressed your issues and advice was given on which products to use. Today I am sharing my skin routine, natural products and journey with you. I made some great decisions and not so great decisions due to panicking.

Let's take it back a year real quick. I turned 25 and the beginning of my acne prone skin started. I never - seriously- had acne on my face as a teenager.

Not when it was that time of the month.
Not the occasional zit.
Not when I was nervous.
Like never!

So now you know my skin history in a nut shell let's discuss the start of my acne....

Zits slowly started to pop up on my forehead and then I slowly had zits pop up on my higher cheek bones. Oh it wasn't 1 or 2 zits popping up it was a group just hanging out on my skin. Like "hello we are here to ruin your selfies." Ugh...

I was going crazy trying almost every product at the drugstore, Sephora, and Ulta. I finally got super annoyed and made an appointment to see my dermatologist.

That was my best idea, not sure why I didn't do that in the first place....lesson learned.

In my head I thought I had a few bumps no biggie....WRONG. My doctor said I had a massive acne outbreak. Which is something I did not want to hear to be honest. He prescribed me to use the LHA Cleansing Gel to cleanse my face twice daily. OMG! The LHA Cleansing Gel gives a open pore feeling that makes it feel like it is working immediately.

Only using the LHA Cleansing Gel a week I started to notice my zits going away. I am not going to say they are all gone but majority are cleared up on my skin.

The other two products that have helped my skin tremendously are organic rose water and organic jojoba oil. After doing some long research about products to help acne naturally these two products where at the top of the list.

Affordable, Effective and Proven.

The benefits of using rose water include:

  • Restoring, toning and moisturizing skin
  • Anti-aging and rejuvenating the skin
  • Balances skin Ph levels 
  • Anti-inflammatory, acne-preventing (totally works)  
  • Protects and purifies skin 

The benefits of using jojoba oil include:

  • Makeup remover
  • Skin moisturizer
  • Softens hands & feet
  • Clearing acne
  • Reducing the appearance of stretch marks

My routine:

Step 1. Clean face using LHA Cleansing Gel + clarisonic for 1 minute.
Step 2. I use the organic rose water as a toner to calm the skin after using the cleansing gel.
Step 3. Once the face has dried completely, I apply a pea size amount of jojoba oil all over the face in buffing motions. The organic jojoba oil is used as a moisturizer and acne healer.

With using the combination of the three products my skin has cleared up significantly.

You are probably wondering why I didn't take the prescribed medical route. The reason is I did't want alot of harsh chemicals on my skin. If the natural products continue to work they will continue to be used- "If it is not broke don't fix it" right?

I want to hear from you! Are you struggling with acne? What products have you used that worked? How about products you used that didn't work? Share your story below! Cheers to clear skin!

*Please note that my skin is combination so using an oil as an moisturizer works for MY skin. My acne routine may not work for all skin types. Please consult with your dermatologist or physician before using any products mentioned. :)

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