PhilXIT the new BreXIT; Philippine Political and Economic Shift Initiatives

It is about time to shift our economic and political gears towards a greener Philippines when it comes to politics and economics and all aspects of sociological and public administration of the country.  For so long the US government is being so good with us since World War 2 were the Filipino citizens fought war with the US hand in hand in the pacific and the Philippines.  But on the contrary, since World War 2 our economic stability and our world ranking in terms of economics and trade are still lagging behind compared to other Asian and ASEAN countries. 

As a comparison, the war in Vietnam is just recent compared to the war in the Philippines (WW2) but we can boldly see the difference in its economic recovery of Vietnam is far fast compared to the Philippines.  Burma, Lao and Cambodia are also rising in terms of economics and trade but why does Philippines who is a “bond of brother” of US in the Pacific is still among the struggling economy in Asia and ASEAN.  Is our big brother helping us or just sucking our resources (human resources to be specific) to make their economy fat?

In terms of agriculture, I’ve never seen any farm equipment used by local farmers that are made by US manufacturers.  Instead Kubota and other farm machines are used by local farmers instead of John Deere.  Moreover, instead of giving and sharing their technological advancement, U.S. farm companies like Dole and other companies who are using our lands are just giving a portion of the money to the owners for rent but they are getting a huge economic profit if we try to calculate the whole economic benefit.  

As a fact, Filipino farmers will always be a “Juan Tamad” even though how much effort we put into our farming livelihood.  The term “Juan Tamad” is already a societal disease, even how a poor Filipino farmer will try his best to sell his farm goods from farm to market road the economic output is just the same.  In addition, our OTOP farmer products are not fully recognized in American FDA were small farmers in the Philippines has no chance to widen its agri-products in US. Instead, Dole and other American agricultural companies in the Philippines has the sole monopoly to transport the farm goods from the Philippines to US.  Does it mean we are just the backyard garden of US that when they need to cook some vegetables they can just go to the Philippines and get it with their US private company counterparts?
As Filipinos, why are we always waiting for the so called US AID when we can make our own agriculture finished products far more innovative compared to the American made IF AND ONLY we have enough agricultural knowledge and expertise in scientifically managing our farms.

Recently, the American equipment’s is now in transit going to US territory for evacuation.  Is these a good sign for the future of Philippine politics and military capabilities? If we try to examine the military capabilities of the Philippines, Philippine Military power is far behind compared to other Asian and ASEAN countries conceding that we are the direct ally of the Americans in the Pacific.  Are we just ally in the signing of treaties in NATO and UN?  Likewise, Military exercises since before are giving no improvement to the capabilities and military tactics of the Philippine Military but just plain “Push-ups” and “Sit-ups” to boost the Philippine Military’s stamina for more hardships in Julo Islands. 
On the contrary, Russian Military is offering the newest line of MI 17 and other attack helicopters to the Philippines while the Philippine Military is sending a “buzz” across the net that Philippine Military is planning to acquire such advance helicopter.  Do you think US can share their “Black Hawks” to the Philippine Navy or just the “Push-ups” and “sit-ups”.  Are we really their ally or just dummy ally?

Philippine Military Training to be Night's Watch With US Forces #Valyriansword

Hopefully the Future of Philippine Military

Mi 35, 8, 17



S-400 Advance Air Defense System

Russian Advance Weaponry

Finally, we can apprehend that we need to stand our own as a Filipino in all walks of life.  A saying which says… “Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime”. Why can’t they teach us with their farming technology instead of giving us their sack of US AID?

Dear Filipinos, we cannot be forever dependent with that sack of US AID in our household. We need to innovate our own native products and productively help our nationals and maybe in the future we can help other Asian and ASEAN countries and beyond showing to the world that we are economically and agriculturally sufficient to provide our own food.  And I personally believe that we can achieve that when in our hearts we have the spirit of “TAMPANG AT MALASAKIT” #tapangatmalasakit.

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