Aging is caused by a combination of genetics and environmental influences, particularly free-radical damage. Aging may be inevitable, but the rate of aging is not. Retaining youth is much easier than regaining youth. So it is never too early to start looking after yourself and invest in health. However, if you have missed the boat and are showing signs of aging then it is never too late to take steps that will keep you healthy and slow down further aging and maybe correct and reverse some signs of aging.

Follow these great tips to slow down the aging process:

Sleep Well

Lack of adequate sleep, especially chronic sleep loss, can increase the likelihood of age-related disease. When you’re low on sleep, your hormones can become out of balance and your blood pressure can increase, raising your risk of heart problems and stroke. Lack of sleep can also interfere with insulin sensitivity, which increases your risk of diabetes. Sleeping also allows the body to restore and repair the skin. So a good nights sleep is most important for retaining a youthful apearnace of the skin.

Establishing a routine pattern of going to bed and waking up around the same time each day is the most important thing you can do to establish good sleep habits and in turn slow down the aging process.

Stay Out of the Sun

The number one environmental cause of skin aging is sun exposure. Damage from the sun’s UVA and UVB ultraviolet light is linked to about 90% of the visible signs of aging. UV rays break down collagen and elastin, the fibrous tissues in the dermis that gives skin its structure, firmness and elasticity, resulting in a dull, saggy appearance. While the damage may not be immediately visible, sun exposure over the long-term causes dryness, uneven skin tone, wrinkles and age spots. Over-exposure to the sun also damages your vision and even raises your risk of skin cancer.

Whether working in the yard, the garage, golfing or even driving to work each day, shielding your skin from the UV rays of the sunlight is a must. Limit direct exposure with sunglasses, long sleeves and broad-brimmed hats, and use a moisturizing, broad-spectrum sun screen with adequate SPF (30 or higher) when you are out during the day. You should take these measures regardless of whether it is a sunny or a cloudy day since UVA rays and some UVB rays penetrate through the clouds and can cause skin damage.

Eat A Plant-Rich Diet

Eating a healthy diet comprised of mainly fruits and vegetables, with some lean protein and whole grains, provides key nutrients that support healthy aging inside and out. Studies show a plant-rich diet increases microcirculation and improves skin tone, giving a more attractive appearance by boosting red and yellow pigments in the skin. Dark, leafy greens, citrus fruits and cauliflower are all high in vitamin C, necessary for collagen production to keep skin firm and supple. Learn to shop the “perimeter” of the supermarkets where healthier foods are located. The less processed, the more likely your foods will contain the nutrients and fiber that are vital for the healthy functioning of your body and skin.

Adding more fruits & veggies in your diet also boosts your intake of important phyto-nutrients that help defend against free-radicals through their antioxidant activity. When there is an imbalance of oxidants like free-radicals, damage to the skin and body systems can be mitigated with anti-oxidants. The bright and vibrant colors of produce are indicative of their high antioxidant content. You can also take nutritional supplements to help protect your memory, immunity, eyes and skin.

Boost Diet With Nutritional Supplements

Aging skin or loss of hair results from a combination of biological and environmental factors. While the first line of defense should be a healthy diet, it is a good idea to use supplements to help cover any nutrient gaps. Start with a good multi-vitamin & mineral, and then add Omega-3s and phyto-nutrients. Also, consider any accessory nutrients like probiotics.

Drink Plenty of Water

As your body’s largest organ, your skin feels the adverse effects of dehydration by looking dry and wrinkled. Proper hydration ensures tissues and skin cells are replenished, allowing for younger, healthier-looking skin. In addition, having an adequate intake of fluids enables your kidneys and bowels to function more effectively when flushing out the toxins in the body. If the toxins are not removed through effective bowl movement then the body will resort to secondary means of detoxification, which is the skin. That is fine if you are sitting in a sauna and sweating and successfully removing body’s toxins, but most of us do not have access or the time to sit in a sauna. So having a good working digestive system is very important for overall health and well-being and appearance of youthful skin. In other words, skin is an extension of the gut. Without proper hydration, toxins can remain in your system, causing your skin to react with acne, rashes, or other unpleasant conditions. Some beverages like coffee and alcohol act as diuretics, further depleting the body of fluids. Aim to drink 6-8 glasses of filtered water each day to keep the skin supple and support optimum health.

Boost Your Physical Activity

You are likely familiar with the cardiovascular benefits of exercise, but less well known is its impact in promoting healthy skin aging. Regular physical activity increases blood flow, allowing oxygen and nutrients to be carried to working cells in the body – skin included. And the increased blood flow helps remove waste products such as free-radicals. Exercise also decreases stress, which may exacerbate existing skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, or eczema. And though you can’t exactly exercise just your face muscles, firmer muscles in general help you look better generally. If all that were not enough, staying physically fit can stave off cognitive decline.

Make sure that you get an adequate balance of aerobic, strength training, and stretching exercises. Women in particular are advised to do more weight training to maintain muscle mass and reduce the risk for osteoporosis.

Avoid Tobacco Products

Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your body and skin. Aside from all of the health problems smoking creates, this habit looks unattractive, creates wrinkles, causes the skin to look sallow and can give the fingernails a yellow tint. The inhaled carbon monoxide displaces oxygen in the blood stream, which means organs – including the skin – do not get enough of it to remain healthy. Cigars and cigarettes also reduce vitamin C in the body, leading to collagen breakdown and wrinkle formation. Smoking dehydrates the skin, giving smokers dry, dull complexions. Moreover, the repeated physical act of smoking leads to significantly more wrinkles around the mouth.

Limit Alcohol

It is reported that alcohol in moderation can have some health benefits, although I personally do not subscribe to that belief. But an overconsumption of alcohol and caffeine has a negative impact on both your health and appearance. Both alcohol and caffeine cause dehydration and deplete your body of vital nutrients. Alcohol causes blood vessels in the face to dilate and drinking too much has the potential to make these effects permanent, resulting in an unpleasant flushed appearance and red, spidery veins. Pre-existing skin conditions such as rosacea and psoriasis can be exacerbated by alcohol consumption. Alcohol also interferes with nutrient metabolism and is a factor in capillary fragility and breakage. Remember that while it’s alright to indulge in drinking every now and then, moderation is the key, but abstinence is the best!

Adopt a Good Skin Care Regimen

Having a good diet is important but diet alone will not give you great skin. The skin does so much for the body in protecting it against the elements but the body does very little for it. When you consume good nutrients they are taken up the liver, heart, brain, etc and by the time blood reaches the periphery of the body, namely the skin, it is devoid of many good nutrients. So skin needs a helping hand in delivering nutrients locally to the skin through topical application.

The skin naturally loses collagen and elastin and becomes drier over the years. Free-radicals found in the environment affect cellular DNA, causing skin to become discolored, dull, dry, wrinkled and saggy – all contributing to an aged look. One of the best ways to minimize this effect is to adopt a good skin care regimen to replenish lost nutrients and protect against damage.

Start your daily skin care routine with a cleanser and cleanse your skin before you retire to bed at night. A few times a week, use an exfoliator that contains either an alpha or beta-hydroxy acid, such as glycolic acid to help remove dead skin cells, revealing brighter, younger-looking skin underneath. Apply a moisturizer to hydrate the skin, allowing it to stay firm and elastic and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Ingredients like green-tea extract, vitamins A, C & E, and hyaluronic acid help protect against free-radicals, increase collagen and retain moisture. Use a moisturizer with a built-in sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher). At night time apply a good nourishing cream to clean skin to repair and restore the skin while you sleep.

Get Professional Treatments

As we age, facial volume decreases due to loss of fat, bone density and muscle, making lines and wrinkles more obvious. Repetitive facial expressions can also cause deep frown lines that contribute to an aged appearance. In addition, hyperpigmentation, broken capillaries and acne scars can become more prominent with age. A number of non-invasive professional treatments are available to address these concerns.

Injectables (e.g. Botox®) and dermal fillers (e.g. Juvederm®, Radiesse®) can minimize frown lines, smooth wrinkles and restore fullness to facial areas that have lost volume. Fractional laser treatment (e.g. Fraxel®) and intense pulsed light (IPL) trigger the production of collagen and elastin, reduce hyper-pigmentation and heal damage to rejuvenate the skin’s appearance. They can last anywhere from a few months to a year or more depending on the product and the patient, and a series of treatments may be required to see optimum results.

Consider an Aesthetic Procedure

Remember, good health inside is visible on the outside. However, don’t be afraid to get a little help looking good and feeling good about it! The top 5 surgical include breast augmentation, nose reshaping, eyelid surgery, liposuction and facelift. Other popular procedures include micro-liposuction on the jaw line, tightening up chins that have become loose due to excess fat or sun exposure. And nonsurgical procedures such as Ultherapy, which uses ultrasound technology to heat the skin, causing collagen to contract and stimulating production of new, tighter tissue, are also gaining in popularity.

If you’re thinking about having “something” done please make sure you see a board certified plastic surgeon or a dermatologic surgeon.


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