Finding My Authentic Style

Hey Babes!! If you are signed up for the newsletter (you can HERE) you know I am now a full time entrepreneur. (Yay!!) I literally had to create a schedule because I was going crazy not having each day planned. Soo...yes I am an obsessive planner. Now that I have my life planned properly I am back to posting. Whoop whoop!!! Now that you know where the hell I have been, let's get into this post....

One of the most important things in life is finding yourself and loving it. As a business owner and influencer it is key to know myself inside and business depends on it! When networking, meeting, creating blog post and servicing clients I want to show who I am through my style. Years ago I use to look at celebrities or bloggers and try to copy their style. The end result was me wearing the items once or twice and feeling like I had nothing to wear. This kept happening because I wasn't being authentic or finding my style. 
Being only 26 years old, I went through a lot of trial and error before I found my authentic look. What I have realized over the years is that those types of trends are not my style. Some trends don't look right on my petite curvy frame and that is okay. Even as a blogger & style coach I don't wear every trend if it doesn't fit MY style. 

My business is built on helping others feel beautiful, stylish and confident. How can I complete my mission if I don't feel beautiful, stylish and confident in my image? 

I have found my authentic style and it consist of a lot of leopard, stripes, pink, jewels, white, green, wine red, quilted everything and a couple of other prints & colors. 

What is your authentic style? Let us know below or join the private Facebook group and discuss with the PinkLux Babes. 

Until next time Lux Babe...Be Unique, Be You

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