Your Image Matters More Than Ever!

Growing up I was always told to let my image speak for its self. If I wanted to be taken serious in the legal field, corporate world, or in life I had to look like I meant business. Most importantly, I had to stay authentic and true to myself.

But I had to stop and ask myself, how do I look like I mean business?

Do I wear a blazer like everyone else? Because a blazer says business....right? Do I tone down my personality and look serious all the time? Can't smile if you mean business...right? No, these can't be right!

"Your image is like a book. Make sure the cover reflects the quality of the story inside."

What does this mean? I had to work on my overall image including my appearance, verbal/non verbal communication, behavior and how I carried myself online. 

Yes, even your online image matters especially in the social media generation we live in today! Have you ever liked a person, followed them on social media, and thought...this is not the person I met? Now their image in your mind is ruined...

Don't let that happen to you...their is a difference in being real and being ruthless.

So why does your image matter more than ever?

Let's break it down...

  1. Due to growth in all industries, you must stand out to get that job, follower or client. 
  2. To be a leader you have to look like one... NOW! No more waiting or making excuses.
  3. Because someone is always looking and we want to make and everlasting impression. 
  4. Because you are not average but elite and deserve to give that perspective. 
  5. Because you want to be the best version of YOU! 

So...How many times did you say "I have nothing to wear" last year? Did you say it today?

So....How much longer are you going to wait to get help to improve your professional and personal image? 

So....How many thousands of dollars will you waste this year on clothes that don't fit your style?

So...When will you start working on your communication skills, digital presence and etc?

In 2017 refuse to go on in life stuck in a style/image rut. You matter, your style matters, and your image matters!

Join me for the 3 part workshop series "Power of Image" starting January 25th- January 27th. Sign up today HERE.

Until next time...Stay Lux...Be Unique...Be YOU!

xoxo Christina

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