7 Food Products that Promote Prostate Health in Men

7 Food Products that Promote Prostate Health in Men
Best treatment is prevention. Eat these seven foods listed below on a regular basis while you are young and avoid prostate health issues later on life. Although it is never too early to start taking of your overall health through good diet and exercise, it is never too late either. So start investing in your health TODAY!!
1. Sesame Seeds and Other Zinc-Rich Food – Sesame seeds are reportedly good for prostate health. Men who contract BPH tend to be low in zinc. Consuming sesame seeds and other food that contain high levels of zinc such as almonds, pumpkin seeds, and adzuki beans can be beneficial for the prostates. Take a zinc supplement to ensure you are getting sufficient zinc on a daily basis.
2. Omega 3 Rich Food Products – Consuming foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids can help address obesity, which is a risk factor in the enlargement of the prostate. Together with exercise and a healthy diet, omega 3 can aid in ensuring healthier prostates. Eat lots of walnuts and sardines.
3. Vitamin C Rich Vegetables – Eating vitamin c rich vegetables help reduce the risk of enlarged prostates. One good option for this is the bell pepper, which is said to contain the highest level of vitamin C among vegetables.
4. Tomatoes – Tomatoes have lycopene, a carotenoid found to be capable of decreasing the risk of developing cancer. Also, according to the National Cancer Institute, lycopene can help people in managing BPH.iii To get the best result from tomatoes, trying cooking them in sauces, soups or other vegetables. Raw tomatoes are fine, but cooking increases the bioavailability of lycopene. Eat two cooked tomatoes daily.
5. Avocados – The beta-sitoserol in avocados are useful in reducing the symptoms associated with BPH. Beta-sitosterol can be taken as a supplement, and those who take such supplements report having better urinary flow and reduced volume of residual urine.iii. Eat half of an avocado a day. Store the other half in a sealed container in the fridge after you have squirted some lemon juice on it to prevent browning. If the avocado starts turning a little brown, do NOT fret and throw it away, as it will still taste perfectly delicious and provide you with all the health benefits you need.
6. Tofu – Isoflavones in soybeans, the main ingredient in tofu, were shown in one study to have the ability to lessen the development of BPH.iv They may also help in the alleviation of the signs and symptoms of BPH. Eat tofu once or twice a week, but not daily as it can lower your testosterone level.
7. Agaricus blazei Murill (Brazilian mushroom) – Chinese researchers found that Agaricus blazei Murill has inhibitory mechanisms on cells that may be beneficial to prostate health.
Ensure prostate health by consuming more of the food products listed above. If you can't consume the vegetable or fruit itself, you always have the option to use supplements that contain the nutrients mentioned above. Just be sure to pick a high-quality supplement.
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